Chapter 56: Healing

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"I am worried. I don't want Yoongi to feel pressured. What if he doesn't like the child therapist?" Boyoung worries as they sit in the waiting room.

"She said we can sit there for the first session to see how it goes. If Yoongi is uncomfortable, we will not come back." Hyungsik softly responds as he wraps his arm around Boyoung's waist to comfort her.

"I don't want him to feel like he is broken for not talking or anything like that," Boyoung mutters as she tightens her embrace around the pup in her lap.

"We are just here to hope he is able to heal beautifully." Hyungsik pecks Boyoung's temple and smiles at her.

After a few minutes, the therapist walks out of her office to greet them. When she sees the family, she observes how the pup holds the alpha parent's hand while clinging to the omega parent as well. She also quickly notices that the beta pup has large headphones on. He looks peaceful in his omega parent's embrace.

"Hi, there. I am Dr. Kim Go-Eun." The therapist smiles as she greets the family.

"I am Park- no Min Boyoung. This is my mate, Min Hyungsik, and our pup, Min Yoongi." Boyoung quickly introduces herself and her family.

"Welcome. Follow me. We will get started once we are in my office." The therapist guides them to her office. "Sit where you want to."

"Can we sit on the couch? I feel like Yoongi will be more comfortable there." Boyoung asks when she sees an area with couches.

"Of course." Go-Eun smiles and motions for them to sit on the couches. "So, tell me about your son."

"We just adopted him a week ago. We named him Min Yoongi because he did not have a name. I found him ... covered in injuries and blood." Boyoung bites back her cries as she tightens her embrace around her calm pup.

"I am the detective who investigated Yoongi's abuse. We found nothing, so Boyoung went to an adoption office to adopt Yoongi. However, since she is an unmated omega and she and Yoongi are not blood-related, she was told she was not allowed to adopt him. I guess that Yoongi noticed her distress, so he messaged me. He cannot read or write, so we taught him a few emojis to use to contact us. He sent me the SOS emoji, so I went to them. To adopt him, we registered as mates, but we were already courting by that time." Hyungsik explains as he gently places his hand on Boyoung's knee.

"We are going to mate fully." Boyoung blushes as she looks up at her mate.

"I have been staying at Boyoung's apartment until we find an apartment to raise Yoongi in. Yoongi cries when I am gone for too long." Hyungsik softly explains as he gently brushes his fingers through his pup's hair.

"What is he listening to?" The therapist asks as she looks at the headphones on the pup.

"He is listening to lullabies sung by Jeon Jungkook. The actor recorded lullabies for Yoongi. When Yoongi was in the hospital, one of Jeon Jungkook's interviews played. I noticed that Yoongi instantly relaxed when he heard Jeon Jungkook's voice as he sang a lullaby. He only sleeps when the three of us are in the same apartment and when Jeon Jungkook's lullabies are playing." Boyoung explains as she gently shifts Yoongi in her lap.

"Also, he has not spoken a word or made a single sound since we found him. Even his cries are silent." Hyungsik's voice is filled with worry.

"Clearly, your pup has lived through terrible abuse. He was clearly beaten if he made a sound, so he stopped making sounds. This will take a lot of time for him to heal from. How old is he?" The therapist responds as she writes down everything they tell her.

"He is seven." Boyoung answers as she kisses the top of Yoongi's head.

"He trusts both of you immensely. For a pup to allow strangers to touch him after being abused, you have done a tremendous job of taking care of him. He trusts you." Go-Eun smiles when she sees Yoongi snuggle closer to Boyoung when she kissed his head. "For future sessions, I suggest that you bring one of his favorite toys to help him stay relaxed."

Sunshine ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora