Chapter 76: Duo

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"Are you nervous?" Jimin softly asks his boyfriend as they sit in class.

"A little." Yoongi murmurs and reaches over to hold Jimin's hand. "More than a little." He mumbles and looks into Jimin's soft gaze.

"It'll be okay. I promise." Jimin leans over and softly pecks the tip of Yoongi's nose.

As they watch their classmates perform, Yoongi winces because one of the alphas that Jimin was supposed to be paired with plays the drums off-beat. Seeing his boyfriend wince from the performance, Jimin softly giggles and intertwines their fingers.

When their turn comes, Yoongi squeezes Jimin's hand, and they go to the front of the lecture hall together. Jimin takes a deep breath as he gets into the first stance for his dance. After Jimin nods at him, the pre-recorded music starts. When the first note sounds throughout the lecture hall, Yoongi takes a deep breath. This is the first time he is performing in front of others, so he is nervous but grateful to be performing with Jimin.

As they perform, everyone else seems to melt away, and all that is left in the large room is each other. Jimin flits across the floor like a grief-stricken crane as he performs for his lover. He can hear the pain in his boyfriend's voice, so he portrays that pain with his heart through his movements. The soft tap of Jimin's feet and the soft swish of his movements accompany the beautiful song.

The two lovers bear their hearts for the audience. One bears the pain he has been forced through, while the other bears his heart through interpreting the pain of his lover.

When the final key rings through the room, everyone stays silent and stares at the pair, stunned. Before their classmates can recover from the emotional performance, Yoongi pulls out his guitar. His heart and mind are racing from the emotions that surged through his body, so he quickly strums his guitar to calm those raging emotions.

As Yoongi skillfully strums his guitar, Jimin walks over to him and stands next to him. The moment Jimin's angelic voice fills the room, every person's eyes fill with light. Yoongi smiles as his omega lovingly wraps an arm around his waist and gently sways to the song while singing.

Jimin's voice stills the storm raging in Yoongi's heart. The beta releases a shaky breath as he glances at his omega and sees a serene smile on Jimin's beautiful face. As Yoongi watches his omega perform, he realizes how much he loves that they are night and day.

When Jimin glances at Yoongi, he sees a soft smile on his beta and quickly smiles in response. As he sings the final note, Jimin presses a gentle kiss on the tip of Yoongi's nose for everyone to see. No one will ever question our relationship again. I chose you the moment we met at your art show.

The entire lecture hall is filled with clapping as their classmates give them a standing ovation. Jimin smiles as he pulls Yoongi into a tight hug. As he hugs his beta, Jimin glances at the professor with a proud smirk. Seeing Jimin's smirk, the professor quickly looks away in embarrassment.

"We did it," Yoongi whispers as Jimin continues to hug him.

"Hyung, you did it." Jimin lovingly responds as he lifts his left hand to gently brush his fingers through the hair on the back of Yoongi's head. "I am so proud of you."

"Thank you, Jimin-ah." Yoongi hums and buries his face against Jimin's shoulder.

"As everyone knows, the class gets to vote for the top three performances. Those three pairs will be able to perform at the school spring festival next semester." The professor announces as Jimin and Yoongi return to their seats. "Since the final pair has performed, you are all dismissed. Thank you for coming to class."

When they walk out of the classroom, they are surprised to see Namjoon and Seokjin waiting for them. "How did it go?" Namjoon asks when Jimin and Yoongi walk over to them.

Sunshine ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora