Chapter 8: Appa is Home

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While Jungkook is away shooting his show, Taehyung sits in the living room and carefully studies his botany books. As Taehyung studies, Hoseok lies on his stomach on the floor while coloring. Hoseok's happy hums fill the living room as he doodles the pretty flowers that Taehyung is studying.

When Taehyung's alarm rings, he quickly turns the TV on and eagerly waits for Jungkook's show to start airing. Hoseok gasps in shock when Jungkook appears on the TV screen.

"Appa!" Hoseok shouts and points at Jungkook while hopping around in excitement.

"Yes, he is your Appa." Taehyung softly laughs as he films his excited toddler.

When Jungkook's phone buzzes, he quickly pulls it out of his pocket. He smiles when he sees that Taehyung messaged him. When he sees the video of Hoseok calling him appa, Jungkook softly smiles with teary eyes. I better make sure to choose shows that are decent for my pups to watch.

While Taehyung watches the airing episode, Hoseok climbs into his lap and eagerly watches as well. Hoseok makes little noises every time Jungkook appears on the screen.

"Sunshine, your Appa is the main character, so he will end up with the alpha woman at the end. But, he will be forced to face a few hardships. It is always sad to see him cry." Taehyung sighs at the end as he holds Hoseok in his lap.

"Appa no cry," Hoseok mumbles when he sees Jungkook on the screen.

"Hopefully he will not cry in this episode." Taehyung hums as he opens his bag of chips and eagerly watches the show.

When the main female lead's mother slaps Jungkook's face, Taehyung's omega growls in anger while Hoseok goes on a rampage while shouting at the mother. Taehyung laughs as he watches Hoseok storm around the living room.

"Come here, Sunshine. Appa is okay. He was acting." Taehyung motions for his angry toddler to join him on the couch.

Hoseok quietly grumbles about the mean lady and climbs into Taehyung's lap. As they continue to watch the show, Hoseok munches on the chips while his big eyes stare at the screen.

When the episode ends with a cliffhanger, Hoseok gasps in horror, hops off of the couch, and runs to the screen. The alpha toddler slaps his hands on the screen to try to get the show to return.

"Sunshine, we have to wait a few days for the next part of the story to continue," Taehyung tells his little brother who looks at him with teary eyes.

"No Appa for days." Hoseok suddenly cries and sits down on the living room floor.

"Oh, Sunshine. Appa will come home tonight. I promise." Taehyung quickly scoops the crying toddler into his arms.

"Appa." Hoseok cries as he buries his nose against Taehyung's scent gland.

"He will come home." Taehyung hums and gently bounces the toddler in his arms.

When Jungkook returns home late, he is surprised to hear Hoseok sobbing in their bedroom.

"Pup, what is wrong?" Jungkook asks as he quickly runs to their bedroom.

"APPA!" Hoseok shouts and runs to Jungkook with tears streaming down his face.

"We were watching the new episode of your show, and he panicked. He thought that you would not return when I told him that we would not be able to see the next episode for the next few days." Taehyung explains as Hoseok calms down in Jungkook's arms.

"Don't cry, little Sunshine. I'm here." Jungkook softly hums as he rocks the crying toddler in his arms. "Appa is here."

Hoseok quietly hiccups as he tangles his fingers in Jungkook's hair. He sniffles and looks at Taehyung. "Appa home."

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