Chapter 16: Our Little Boy

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"Are you two ready to find out the gender of your pup?" Dr. Kim Daemyeung asks the Jeon family once they are seated in his office.

"We are." Taehyung smiles as he gently rubs his tummy, which has been growing.

"Since your health check-up went well, you can lie down on the table, and we will have Alpha Jeon place the gel on your stomach." Dr. Kim motions for Taehyung to lie down on the blue medical table.

Once Taehyung is lying down, Jungkook gently lifts his omega's shirt and places the gel on Taehyung's stomach. The moment the monitor shows their pup, they both hold their breath and watch in awe.

"Congratulations, it looks like you two are having a boy." Dr. Kim smiles as he looks at the parents, whose eyes fill with tears.

"Our pup is a boy." Jungkook softly hums and kisses his mate's forehead.

"He's beautiful." Taehyung sniffles and looks at the screen.

"Your pup's heartbeat is strong, and everything within your womb looks healthy." Dr. Kim tells the happy family.

"Thank you." Jungkook respectfully bows to Dr. Kim as his tears stream down his face in happiness.

"Sunshine, do you see your little brother?" Taehyung holds Hoseok's hand and points to the screen.

"Little brother," Hoseok whispers in awe as he stares at the screen.

"Would you like a picture of the sonogram?" Dr. Kim asks the very happy family.

"We would." Taehyung quickly responds and looks at his mate, whose smile is unwavering.

With the pictures of Little Bean, the family leaves the clinic with large smiles on their faces. As they walk to their car, Jungkook's phone begins to ring. When he sees that it is his manager, he quietly sighs and answers the phone.

"I am really sorry, Alpha Jeon, but the director has demanded to do a shoot tonight since the weather tomorrow is supposed to turn dreary." Jungkook's manager quickly apologizes.

"Okay. I'll be there." Jungkook sighs and hangs up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung gently asks his frowning mate.

"The director is calling everyone to set for a shooting since tomorrow might rain. We can't let the shooting get delayed since it is for the finale," Jungkook explains and opens the car door for his mate.

"Well, I much prefer for you to shoot tonight instead of in the rain tomorrow night. It's a fight scene, so it would be dangerous to fight on wet streets." Taehyung answers and softly pecks his mate's cheek.

"If anything happens tonight, call me. I will come home. I promise." Jungkook softly smiles and nuzzles their noses together.

When they get home, Jungkook is surprised because his mate and pup rush to the couch and turn the TV on. "We were almost late!" Taehyung shouts and quickly motions Jungkook over.

"Late for what?" Jungkook asks as he walks over to his excited mate and pup.

"Show!" Hoseok shouts and points at the screen where the intro to Jungkook's new episode is airing.

"Ohhhhhh." The alpha nods in understanding and joins his family on the couch.

Instead of watching his show, Jungkook watches his family with an endearing smile. He loves their every reaction to every scene and character. When he comes on screen, he watches as his pup's eyes grow as large as saucers and fills with awe. As the episode continues, the alpha finds himself getting lost in his family's happiness and excitement. That is, until Hoseok shrieks in horror.

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