Chapter 13: Protect My Family

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As Taehyung and Jungkook meet with their lawyer, Hoseok plays on the floor with the toys that they brought. Their lawyer softly smiles when she sees how much happier Hoseok is than when she first met him.

"So, your parents quit calling and harassing you when they found out that you now have an alpha. I will definitely point that out to the judge." Attorney Cho hums as she types up her notes.

"Also, uhm is there any way that we can keep the court hearing private? We want to keep our pups out of the spotlight." Taehyung asks as he holds Jungkook's hand.

"There is a way to do that. We would have to send your case to the Pack Alpha and ask her. We would plead your case to her, and she will decide whether to hear it or not. If she agrees to hear your case, then it will be private. That is the only way to have private hearings." Attorney Cho explains.

"Can we plead our case to her?" Taehyung quickly asks.

"Of course. I will fill out the appropriate paperwork. She may not respond since she has so many pack matters to attend to, but there is hope." Attorney Cho softly smiles.

"Thank you so much." Taehyung sighs in relief and looks at Jungkook with sparkling eyes; however, he frowns when he sees the panic in his mate's eyes. "Koo, what is wrong?"

"Uhm so uh, I'm from a uhm influential family, and uh I have met the Pack Alpha's daughter who will inherit the uh pack ... and uh we rutted together in high school." Jungkook guiltily mutters.

"Why is that a problem?" Taehyung softly asks and has his mate face him.

"Well, we were dating at the time. H-her mother was not uhm very pleased that we rutted together." Jungkook mumbles and timidly looks at his mate. "I am scared that my past might hurt our chances."

"She is the Pack Alpha, so she should know how to put personal stuff aside to properly hear our case." Taehyung softly smiles and pecks his mate's forehead to try and help him calm down. "Plus, you were young. You didn't do anything that hurt the future Pack Alpha, so I don't see why the Pack Alpha would be upset about anything."

"True. We broke up when I pursued acting. It was a calm breakup, but the Pack Alpha never approved of me." Jungkook sighs and gently smiles at his mate.

"Why did she not approve of you? My alpha is perfect." Taehyung huffs with a frown.

"She had her reasons. The Pack Alpha is supposed to mate for political reasons. I was not a good choice for that. Plus, I was dreaming of being an actor which is not a stable income if you do not do well." Jungkook explains and watches as his mate's pout deepens.

"That just means that she didn't know you. If acting hadn't worked out, which is ridiculous to even consider. I mean, look at you! Your acting is phenomenal! You convey every emotion immaculately down to every detail. You walk into the room and everyone is stunned by your presence. You smile and everyone melts. You are beyond beautiful and so tall! BUT IF you hadn't made it as an actor, you are a good alpha. You would have given up your dreams for your family. I know this without any doubt. You put others before yourself. When I have cravings, you do not even hesitate to get me what I want. When I am vomiting, you stay by my side no matter the time of day. I am the luckiest person alive to have you as my mate. You are adopting Sunshine, and you have been parenting him without a single complaint. You love him as your own pup. And the sex is mind-blowing." As Taehyung says the final sentence, Jungkook's face turns beet red while Attorney Cho softly chuckles.

"You are very correct, Omega Jeon. Your mate is really the perfect mate. Anyone would be envious of you." Attorney Cho softly smiles and watches as Taehyung beams at her comment.

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