Chapter 64: As Beautiful As You

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As Jimin walks onto the university campus, he eagerly looks around for Yoongi. After a few minutes, Jimin finds Yoongi waiting for him at the building entrance. "Hyung!" Jimin waves and runs over to Yoongi.

Yoongi waves and softly smiles as Jimin approaches him. Like every time they meet, Jimin engulfs Yoongi in a warm hug. Yoongi's heart always flutters, and his breath always hitches. Jimin's hugs are comforting and safe.

"Let's go to class." Jimin smiles and holds Yoongi's hand, leading him into the building.

When they enter the lecture hall, they stare at the seating chart. Jimin frowns and tightens his grip on Yoongi's hand. They have been placed at opposite ends of the classroom with Jimin at the very front and Yoongi at the very back.

"It's okay, Jimin." Yoongi signs and gently pushes Jimin toward the front of the classroom.

"I wanted to sit with you, though." Jimin sighs with a pout as he looks at Yoongi with big eyes.

"We can sit together in our other classes." Yoongi signs with a smile as he guides Jimin to the omega's seat.

"Hopefully, the seats are not assigned in those classes as well." Jimin pouts and slowly lets go of Yoongi's hand. 

"I'll see you after class." Yoongi signs before going to his seat at the back of the classroom.

As Jimin texts Yoongi, two alphas sit on either side of him. Jimin completely ignores them as he sends Yoongi funny memes and emojis. He knows Yoongi is nervous about being surrounded by so many new people and scents.

"Hey. What's your name?" An alpha asks as he places his hand on the back of Jimin's seat.

"Will you move your hand?" Jimin asks and shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

"Name?" The alpha asks again as he removes his hand from Jimin's chair.

"Jeon Jimin," Jimin answers and smiles when Yoongi sends him a gif in response.

"You're cute. Want to go on a date?" The alpha asks with a grin as he emits his pheromones.

"No, thank you. I am interested in someone already." Jimin responds and scrunches his nose in disgust when he smells the alpha's scent. Yoongi hyung has such a relaxing scent of cotton and rain. His scent is like a mixture of Eomma's and Appa's scents. Jimin smiles as he thinks about Yoongi. His scent is so soft and comforting.

"You're only interested, not dating. I'll take you to a nice place." The alpha tires again while Jimin looks up at him with a frown.

"I do not want to go on a date with you." Jimin firmly answers and looks at the other alpha for help; however, he notices that the alpha is staring at his thighs.  He really wants to sit with Yoongi because he feels safe and cared for.

When the professor enters the room, Jimin relaxes and tries to pay attention to class. He knows that Yoongi likely cannot hear the professor because he is wearing his headphones to stay calm. Jimin wants to take perfect notes for Yoongi.

As Yoongi looks around the classroom, he realizes that the few betas in the class are all in the back row with him. Betas are frowned upon in the entertainment industry because they are considered dull. Seeing they are being discriminated against in class, Yoongi shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Jimin has been placed in the very front while he was placed in the very back.

"I have placed you with the people who will be your partners for the class. I have placed you with someone on the same level as your talent. I watched all of your tryouts to get into this program." The professor explains, causing Jimin to turn his head and look at Yoongi in the back.

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