Chapter 61: Beautiful

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As Yoongi looks around the art show, he is in awe. His sketches are beautifully framed next to his mother's paintings. Because of Boyoung's talent, she has become a well-renowned painter in their pack and neighboring packs.

"Do you like how everything is placed?" Boyoung asks her son as he looks around with stars shining in his beautiful, grey eyes.

"Yes." Yoongi nods and hugs his mother.

"I am glad." Boyoung hums as she wraps her son in a tight embrace.

"This is incredible. I am so proud of both of you." Hyungsik beams as he looks around the showroom. 

"Yoon, do you have your headphones?" Boyoung asks as she fixes her son's hair to get him ready for the guests to arrive.

"Yes." Yoongi nods as he takes his headphones out of their case and puts them on.

"We are so very proud of you." Hyungsik smiles and hugs his son.

When the guests start to arrive, Yoongi begins to roam around the showroom and examine each piece of art. As the showroom becomes filled to the rim, Yoongi sees the omega he has been dreaming about. Yoongi freezes in his tracks as the omega stares at the large sketch. Yoongi had made an even larger sketch and named it "Angel." 

As Jimin stares at the large sketch of himself, he suddenly feels the urge to find the artist, so he turns to go and find his parents to ask them what they know about the artist. To his surprise, he is met by the biggest, most stunning eyes he has ever seen. When their eyes meet, Yoongi suddenly feels nervous and self-conscious.

"Did you draw this?" Jimin asks as he points to the sketch of himself.

Yoongi nods and tries to take a step back to flee the area. He feels embarrassed to be standing in front of the beautiful angel.

"I love it. I really do. How have we met?" Jimin asks with the biggest, most radiant smile.

Yoongi is frightened and at a loss for words, so he quickly signs in response. "In passing at a flower shop."

"That must have been at my mother's flower shop." Jimin excitedly signs and takes a step closer to Yoongi. As Yoongi just continues to silently stare at him, Jimin finds his cheeks flushing a bright red. "What are you listening to?" Jimin shyly asks as he points to the headphones over the beta's ears.

"Lullabies." Yoongi signs and shows Jimin his phone.

When Jimin sees his father's name on Yoongi's phone, he quickly realizes that the beta in front of him is the beta his father has mentioned before. 

"Are they soothing?" Jimin asks as he takes another step toward Yoongi.

Yoongi nods and places his phone back into his pocket. The omega in front of him is completely mesmerizing.

Without realizing it, the two young wolves have gravitated toward each other and are staring at the drawing. Jimin is staring at the drawing because Yoongi captures something about him that he has never seen before, and Yoongi is staring at the drawing because he is afraid of staring at the real person beside him. To Yoongi, Jimin is too stunning to be looked at.

"Moon-" Jungkook pauses when he sees the beautiful drawing of his youngest son. He is surprised by how the artist captured his son in such a gorgeous drawing. "Did your son draw this?" Jungkook asks Hyungsik as they take a few steps back to give Jimin and Yoongi some space.

"He did. I did not realize that the subject of his drawing was your son." Hyungsik mutters as he watches Jimin turn his head to turn and look at Yoongi with a soft smile.

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