Chapter 35: Bellflower

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The chapter cover is Sungchan. He is an actor named Son Woohyun.

As Taehyung and Sungchan work in the shop, the alpha, who bought the yellow roses two days before, walks in. Taehyung grins and walks to the back with Jimin in his arms because Jimin is screaming in pain.

"Hello." Sungchan politely smiles as he approaches the alpha and controls his hormones.

"Hello. I am here today to buy a bellflower." The alpha calmly explains as he admires the beautiful omega.

"Okay." Sungchan hums and leads the alpha to the bellflowers. "Will this be all for you today?"

"Yes." The alpha smiles and takes the bellflower to the counter to pay.

Once the alpha has paid, he hands the bellflower to Sungchan. "Would you like for me to wrap it for you?" Sungchan asks in confusion as he looks at the bellflower.

"No. I am giving it to you." The alpha smiles as he continues to hold the flower out for the omega.

"I-I uhm, I am old." Sungchan suddenly blurts out as he looks at the flower.

"That is an interesting response." The alpha calmly hums and patiently waits for Sungchan to register what he is doing.

"And uhm, I do not have a university degree. I am terrible at cooking. I nearly burned down my brother's bakery. I-"

"I think you are beautiful and kind. I want to get to know you." The alpha softly smiles to try to calm the panicking omega. He can see the scars on the omega's heart through the omega's eyes.


"Will you let me get to know you?" The alpha gently asks as Sungchan looks up at him with big eyes.

"O-oh yes," Sungchan mutters with a blush and timidly reaches out to grab the flower.

"May I ask your name?" The alpha asks as he leans forward to admire the beautiful omega.

"Kim Sungchan." The omega blushes as he holds the flower to his nose and sniffs it.

"I am Wi Hajoon." The alpha smiles as he admires the beautiful omega.

"It is nice to meet you." Sungchan blushes and hides behind the flower.

"Eomma, love!" Hoseok squeaks when he smells the sweet pheromones in the air.

Taehyung softly laughs when he hears his pup's squeal of excitement. Sungchan blushes when Hoseok's squeal fills the peaceful shop.

"I should go, but I will see you again." Hajoon smiles and then walks out of the store, leaving behind a very flustered omega.

"It looks like it was a good thing you started working here." Taehyung sings as he walks over to Sungchan.

"He seems nice, but I am not used to being around alphas, so I do not know how to judge their behavior," Sungchan mumbles as he smiles at the flower in his hand.

"I have been around plenty of bad alphas, so I will keep an eye on him. But from what I have seen so far, he seems sweet." Taehyung smiles and rocks Jimin.

"I will trust you." Sungchan shyly smiles as he sniffs the flower.

When Jungkook arrives at Sunbeam Blossom, he notices that Sungchan is blushing and distracted while Taehyung is grinning with a knowing gaze.

"Appa!" Hoseok shouts and rushes over to his father.

"Hey, Sunshine." Jungkook grins and catches his happy pup.

"You're here early." Taehyung happily smiles as he approaches his mate.

"Today's shoot ended early for me since they are filming scenes for other characters." Jungkook hums and wraps his arm around his mate's waist. "How is Moonbeam? Has he been crying a lot?"

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