Chapter 17: Little Bean's Name

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When Jungkook wraps up his final shooting, he sighs in relief and smiles at the director, who grins and nods at him.

"Do you want to join us tonight to celebrate the end of the shooting?" Jungkook's makeup artist asks as Jungkook cleans off his makeup.

"My mate already told me to go tonight." Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head as he remembers Taehyung reprimanding him for not spending time with the crew that has been taking care of him.

"She won't be there if that makes you feel any better. Her public image is in the dumps, so she stays out of public areas." Jungkook's manager informs him.

"That actually does make me feel better." Jungkook hums and undresses.

Jungkook purposely picked a low-cut shirt to show the media his mate mark on his shoulder. He is very proud of his mate and wants everyone to know. He smiles as he looks at the beautiful mark on his shoulder.

"Alpha Jeon, are you ready?" Jungkook's manager asks once he has the car ready for Jungkook.

"I am." Jungkook hums and walks to the waiting car.

Once the handsome alpha is in the car, he FaceTimes his mate and pup. He smiles the moment that his mate answers the video call.

"Hey, Blossom, how is your afternoon going?" Jungkook asks as his mate's phone tumbles on the bed because a very excited alpha pup jumps on the bed.

"We are good!" Taehyung responds as he grabs his phone and situates the camera.

"Appa! Bath!" Hoseok shouts and dances on the bed as his hair drips.

"Oh, I did not mean to interrupt Sunshine's bath," Jungkook mutters as he looks at the very happy, naked pup.

"It's fine." Taehyung softly laughs and grabs the discarded towel to finish towel-drying Hoseok's hair. "He got to play with his favorite rubber duckies while bathing and was having fun, but the bath water got cold." 

"I am glad that he had a fun bath." Jungkook chuckles and watches as his wiggly pup tries to stay still to let Taehyung dry his hair.

"We are going to go and get ice cream later. There is a pretty park across the street with an ice cream stand. I figured that it would be good to get out for a quick walk." Taehyung explains this to his mate, who begins to worry about his mate and pup being out without him.

"Should I just come home instead of going to the part?" Jungkook worriedly asks.

"No. You will go to that party and have fun. When you get tired at the party, you can come home." Taehyung responds and softly smiles at his mate.

"Okay, but tell me if anything happens. I will come to you as quickly as possible." Jungkook softly mutters as he adores his sweet family.

"I will. I promise." Taehyung hums and has his wiggly pup sit in his lap. "Also, don't forget that we are going to think of names for our pup when you return today."

"I could never forget." Jungkook smiles as his mate looks at him through the phone.

"We will pick names that fit any sub-gender for our pup," Taehyung tells his mate in excitement and shows him the name book he had bought the other day.

"Our pup will have such a beautiful name. I know it." Jungkook hums and watches his mate flip through the name book.

"Alpha Jeon, we have arrived at the venue." Jungkook's manager informs him.

"Thank you. Blossom, I have to let you go. I will talk to you later. I love you." Jungkook softly tells his mate.

"Have fun! I love you too!" Taehyung happily waves at his mate before hanging up.

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