🔞 Chapter 23: Sweet Alpha

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While Jungkook prepares to travel to another pack for a brand ambassador trip, he watches as Seokjin teaches Taehyung how to make his cookies look pretty. Jungkook wishes he could bring his mate and pup on the trip with him, but he does not want Taehyung to fly since his due date is near. Plus, there will be cameras everywhere. He does not want to risk his family being photographed.

"Jungkook, we'll only be gone for two days. Everything will be okay." Namjoon softly tells Jungkook,  who nods with a frown.

"What about his heats?" Jungkook worries and looks at his mate as his mate's giggles fill their home.

"You have filled your nest with your scent. He will be okay." Namjoon gently places his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Plus, I am sure that your mate is more than capable of taking care of himself."

"He has never had to face a heat without me," Jungkook mutters and decides not to go. "I can't leave him. He is pregnant. I will not do anything that will stress him." He knows that his mate is stressing over not having his alpha with him.

"You know Taehyung better than I do. If you feel like you need to stay to take care of him, then stay. I will never force you to do anything that you feel is wrong." Namjoon softly hums and walks off to make a phone call.

When Jungkook wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist from behind, Taehyung stops what he is doing. "Hyung, are you okay?" Taehyung asks as Jungkook buries his face in the crook of his neck.

"I am staying." Jungkook hums and tightens his embrace around Taehyung.

"But the event is important," Taehyung mutters and turns around in his mate's embrace to face him.

"Not as important as you. I am not leaving you when you need me the most." Jungkook mumbles and looks into his mate's beautiful eyes. When he sees the relief in his mate's beautiful eyes, he knows that he is making the right decision to stay.

"Thank you, Alpha." Taehyung smiles and nods as relief floods him.

"Of course, Blossom." Jungkook hums and gently kisses his mating mark on his mate's shoulder. "I will only be going to events held in our city. I do not want to risk being too far away when you are growing near the due date."

While Taehyung, Jungkook, and Seokjin bake cookies, Namjoon releases an official announcement about Jungkook taking a break from international events to be able to care for his pregnant mate. Namjoon makes sure to state at the end of the announcement that the Jeons are eagerly awaiting the birth of their unborn pup. He knows that there will be many disgruntled fans, so he asks Jungkook to do a quick live to address his fans.

"I'll do it. Don't worry." Jungkook responds to Namjoon and gently pats him on the shoulder.

"Thank you." Namjoon sighs in relief and picks up a fresh snickerdoodle cookie.

As Jungkook munches on a cookie, he sets up his live in his home office. Once the camera is on and the live starts, he waves. "Good morning! I know that it is rather early to start a live right now. Some of you may have already seen the announcement, but I came here to tell you personally. I am going to slow down on work for right now. I am still looking at scripts for my next show, but I will stay home as much as possible. My mate is in the 35th week of his pregnancy. I really do not want to be away from home for long periods of time while he is drawing near the due date. I hope that you understand. Let me read the comments for any questions." Jungkook explains as he reads the comments.

"Appa! Cookie!" Hoseok squeals and suddenly runs into Jungkook's office, causing Jungkook to cover the camera quickly.

"Sunshine, are you giving me a cookie?" Jungkook asks and picks his son up.

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