Chapter 50: Bouquet

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As Taehyung walks around his flower shop, his youngest pup follows behind him with big eyes. Four-year-old Jimin watches everything his omega parent does. He takes in every color and scent of every plant and flower. He watches as his omega mother cares for each plant.

While Jimin follows his omega mother, his alpha father follows him while in his large wolf form. When Taehyung sees his pup and mate following in the mirror, he softly laughs. He finds it adorable how his mate and pup follow him around like little shadows. One shadow is curious, while the other shadow is protective.

When the bell on the shop door jingles, Sungchan goes to greet the customers with his sixteen-month-old daughter happily toddling behind him. He picks up his daughter as he greets the customers. The customers coo as they adore Sungchan's daughter.

"How can I help you?" Sungchan asks as he smiles at the customers.

"We are about to have our ten-year anniversary, and we want to have a celebration. Will you be able to create fifty bouquets of white heliotropes and white lilies?" The woman asks as she looks around the plant shop.

"Let me bring you to the owner. You can ask him any questions you have." Sungchan smiles as he leads them to Taehyung.

As they approach Taehyung, the large black wolf protectively circles around his mate's legs and presses his weight against the omega. Jimin steps closer to his alpha father and buries his fingers in the wolf's thick, soft fur.

"How can I help you?" Taehyung asks the customers as he gently places his hand on his mate's head.

"We were wondering if you could make fifty bouquets of white heliotropes and white lilies. Price does not matter to us. The bouquets are for our tenth-anniversary celebration." The woman explains as she looks around the beautiful shop.

"When do you need them by?" Taehyung asks as he continues to pet his mate's head.

"Our party is in a month." She responds and looks at the large, protective alpha.

"I can definitely get the orders for the flowers made in time for your party." Taehyung starts walking to the register to calculate the approximate amount for the bouquets. After a few minutes, Taehyung has an approximate price. "Each bouquet is going to be around $80. So, fifty bouquets will cost around $4,000."

"Would you like a downpayment in advance?" The woman asks as her mate kneels down in front of Jimin and coos.

"Yes. Can you do 50% today?" Taehyung responds and continues to pat his mate to keep him calm as the omega customer talks to Jimin, who is smiling and happily responding.

"We can definitely do that." The woman smiles in response as she pulls her card out of her mate's purse. "He is pregnant with our second pup, so he is really excited. I carried our first pup, so we went to a doctor so that he could carry our second pup." She explains as her mate continues to talk with Jimin.

"I hope your mate has a healthy pregnancy," Taehyung responds with a smile as he looks at the omega talking to his son.

"Thank you. We are beyond happy right now." The alpha hums as she lovingly smiles at her mate.

Once the couple has made their payment, Taehyung instantly researches the best companies to purchase the flowers from for the large bouquets. This is his biggest order yet, so he is beyond excited for the opportunity. As Taehyung eagerly researches gardeners, Jungkook turns human and wraps his arms around his mate's waist.

"I am so proud of you. I can't wait to see the bouquets." Jungkook hums and presses his lips in the crook of his mate's neck.

"I hope they turn out the way the couple wants them to. I'll make a preliminary one and send them a picture to see if that is what they want." Taehyung giddily explains as he snuggles in his mate's arms.

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