Chapter 3: Courting

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As Taehyung prepares for his first date with Jungkook, he suddenly feels nervous. Kim Taehyung, why in the world are you nervous? You've literally already had sex with the alpha and got pregnant with his pup! There is no reason to be nervous!

When his doorbell buzzes, Taehyung startles out of his thoughts and checks himself in the mirror one last time. Once he is sure that he looks presentable, he runs to his door and checks the monitor. Seeing Jungkook causes his nerves to spike again, so he takes a deep breath before opening his door.

The moment that Jungkook sees the beautiful omega, his rainy, cedar scent spikes which causes Taehyung to blush. 

"You look very beautiful." Jungkook blushes as he compliments the beautiful omega.

"Thank you. You look very handsome." Taehyung shyly whispers.

"I got you a courting gift." Jungkook nervously mumbles as he fidgets with the velvet box in his hands.

"Really?" Taehyung's eyes widen in excitement.

"Yes, here." Jungkook smiles and shyly opens the box. "I searched to see what an alpha is supposed to give an omega they want to court, and most people said a necklace with my initials. I hope it is okay." He nervously whispers as Taehyung stares at the necklace.

"It is lovely. Thank you." Taehyung happily smiles as his eyes shimmer with tears. "Will you put it on me?"

"D-definitely." Jungkook breathes out in relief and lifts the golden necklace out of the box.

As Jungkook places the necklace around Taehyung's elegant neck, his scent engulfs the omega in warmth and comfort.

"When you drop me off after our date, will you build me a nest?" Taehyung shyly asks once Jungkook has clasped the necklace on his neck.

"I would love to." Jungkook smiles and gently wraps his arm around Taehyung's waist. "Are you ready for our date?"

"I am." Taehyung happily hums and leans into Jungkook's embrace.

Once they are in the elevator, Jungkook puts his mask on and then places a mask on Taehyung's face. Taehyung smiles at Jungkook's sweet action and snuggles his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"Just so you know, I like it when you are protective. Your protection makes me feel safe," Taehyung shyly whispers as the elevator doors open.

When the alpha hears his omega's whisper, a satisfied growl rumbles throughout his chest and his grip around Taehyung's waist tightens.

"I will keep you safe." Jungkook softly growls as he leads Taehyung out of the elevator.

Once they reach Jungkook's car, the alpha gently makes sure that his omega is comfortably seated before shutting the door.

As they drive to their destination, Taehyung looks out of the window and wonders where Jungkook is taking him. When they pull up to a cute cafe at the edge of the city, Taehyung looks around and takes in the cute cafe's small garden.

"My manager's mother owns this cafe. It is a safe place for us." Jungkook tells Taehyung and then gets out of the car to open Taehyung's door.

"It is lovely here." Taehyung smiles and leans into Jungkook's protective embrace.

When they walk into the cafe, the owner happily greets them and coos over Taehyung. "I never expected Jungkook to bring a date here!" She squeals as she motions for them to be seated.

"He's not just a date. I am courting him." Jungkook happily smiles.

"Omo! I see the lovely necklace! Congratulations!" She smiles in excitement. "Don't worry, dear. No one will know about you two here. You are safe to take your masks off."

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