Chapter 71: Only Him

978 141 55

"Jimin-ssi!" A shy alpha runs over to Jimin with a little box in his hands.

"Yes?" Jimin asks as he turns to face the shy alpha.

"I-I wanted to give this to y-you." The alpha shyly hands Jimin the pink box.

Jimin softly smiles as he takes the box from the alpha. "This is really sweet, but I already have someone I am courting." 

"O-oh! I am sorry!" The alpha stutters in embarrassment. "You can keep it and share it!" The alpha bows and then quickly scurries off.

When Jimin walks into the music building to find his beta, he is instantly surrounded by several alphas. Jimin shifts uncomfortably as he tries to back away from the alphas.

"I heard that you've been turning down partners for the upcoming project. Work with me." The largest of the alphas grins as he steps out from the group.

"No, thank you." Jimin hums and tries to find a way out.

"Why not?" The alpha asks as he tries to reach out and grab Jimin by the waist.

"Because he already has a partner." Yoongi's voice surprises everyone, including Jimin. With big eyes, Jimin watches as Yoongi marches over and gently grabs his hand. "Find someone else to be your partner." He grumbles and walks off with Jimin.

"Why would such a beautiful and talented omega like you want to partner with a bland beta like that?" The alpha scoffs as he tries to grab Jimin's arm.

"My Hyung is not bland." Jimin hisses and flashes his eyes blue in warning. "And why would I want to partner with an oaf like you?" Jimin scoffs before marching away with Yoongi.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi softly asks once they are in the studio Yoongi uses for the semester.

"I am okay. Thank you, Hyung." Jimin smiles and hugs Yoongi. "I don't know why I froze like that. I'm not used to alphas treating me like that."

"It's because you are used to very kind and loving alphas. Your Appa, Hyung, grandparents, Samchons, Emo, and cousins are all very kind and loving alphas. Outside of your family and my Appa, alphas are not as loving and kind." Yoongi softly explains as he comforts Jimin.

"It's a good thing that my beta is brave and strong," Jimin mumbles as he stays in Yoongi's comforting embrace.

"For you, I can be anything," Yoongi mutters and releases his soft pheromones to comfort Jimin.

"Then I want you to always be true to yourself," Jimin whispers as he breathes in his beta's comforting scent.

Yoongi smiles as he gently presses a kiss on Jimin's shoulder, right on Jimin's scent gland, causing his omega to softly purr and moan.

"Do you want to sit on my lap while I work on the song I am writing?" Yoongi asks as he gently rubs Jimin's back.

"I would really like that." Jimin smiles and settles on Yoongi's lap as his beta sits on the piano bench.

Once they are settled, the rich sound of the piano fills the studio. Jimin happily listens to the beautiful sound of the song his beta is working on. It amazes him how easily Yoongi writes music.

As Yoongi continues to play, Jimin wiggles out of his lap and pulls his shoes off. Yoongi's eyes widen with happiness when Jimin starts dancing to the song he is playing. He loves it when Jimin dances while he plays the piano. Jimin always has such a serene smile on his face as he dances. It reminds him of the moment he first saw Jimin.

When the music stops, Jimin twirls and sits in Yoongi's lap, causing his beta to laugh softly. With a happy hum, Jimin pecks Yoongi's cheek. "Is it time to go to class?" Jimin asks as he rests his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

Sunshine ✔️On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara