10. Telling the Team

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After Barf Bag and Donut had declared themselves engaged in the car ride back from work, they faced the dilemma of how they were going to bring this up to the team.

"I think we should tell them soon," Barf Bag suggested, "I think it's important to let them know what's up."

"Like how soon," Donut Asked,


"TODAY," Donut said, in shock.

"Well when else are we going to tell them?"

Donut thought about it for a bit, "...tomorrow?"

"You see my point though," Barf Bag said, "you remember what happened to Coiny, Pin, and Needle; they're gonna find out eventually.

"Fair point," Donut said, "how about we gather everyone in the common area after dinner tonight!

"Good idea," Barf Bag said, enthusiastically.

In what felt like a flash, tonight eventually fell upon the engaged couple, with the reality that they were about to share some life-changing news.

After gathering everyone into the common area, the couple began to speak.

"So, everyone," Bard Bag said, with a huge grin on her face, "we have some really big news to share with you!"

"And what might that be," Coiny said, eager to find out what could be making the couple so happy.

Barf Bag and Donut looked at each other and nodded.

"We're engaged!" They said unanimously.

The rest of the group smiles at them.

"Oh my gosh, congratulations you guys," Pin said.

"No wonder you guys were so happy when you came home last night," Needle added.

The couple was showered with compliments from their friends as they looked at eachother and smiled.

However, they started to notice the eyes of their friends all moving in the same direction. More specifically, in the direction which had Barf Bag's left ring finger. It didn't take long for the team to figure out that there was no ring on her finger, much to all of their confusion.

Barf Bag soon realized what all the stares were all about. "Oh, yeah...we didn't really... ring...heh."

Donut, feeling a little guilty, looked down at his feet. Barf Bag immediately noticed this and held his hand.

"...but you know what," Barf Bag said, "we don't need one!" Donut looked up at her and smiled.

"You mean it," Donut said, sounding surprised.

"Of course," Barf Bag said with a smile, "We've never been about that kind of traditional jazz, why all the sudden would we be now! All that matters is that we're ready for this, and I know damn well we are!"

"Not to mention wedding rings are hella expensive," Gaty blurted out. "Mind as well use that money for something else."

The rest of the room burst out into laughter.

"Like a super awesome engagement party," Saw said. If they were being honest, Barf Bag and Donut weren't planning to have any engagement party; like usual, they just weren't into that stuff.

"I was thinking more along the lines of, oh I don't know, food and water," Donut said.

This caused the room to burst out in laughter yet again.

"So...when did you two actually get engaged," Needle asked them.

"In the car, last night, after a 12 hour shift," Barf Bag said, trying not to laugh.

"It takes a lot of love in order to pull that off," Coiny said, "goes to show that that's all that matters in the end."

"Well, it's nice to have such supportive friends through all of this," Donut said, "it's honestly crazy that all of this is actually happening!"

"Well what can I say," Pin said, "you two deserve it, like Coiny said, you guys clearly love each other, and I think you two have a bright future ahead of you!"

All Barf Bag and Donut could do was smile at each other. They were extremely happy that their friends were so thrilled about their next chapter in life, and the couple couldn't wait to have them in it. 


Yeah, short chapter, I know, but hey, better then nothing! Nothing else to say here, see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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