43. Thread Turns One

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One morning, as the sun had risen, Needle had gotten Thread out of her crib. Thread smiled brightly, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she looked around the room. It was a special day – Thread's first birthday.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart," Needle said, planting a kiss on Thread's chubby cheek.

Thread giggled, reaching out to grab a colorful toy that hung above her crib. As Needle watched her daughter play, she couldn't help but marvel at how quickly time had flown by. It seemed like just yesterday that Thread had come into their lives, bringing joy and laughter with her infectious smile.

As the morning went on, the rest of Team8s gathered in the living room, eager to celebrate Thread's special day. Pin had prepared a delicious breakfast spread, complete with pancakes, fruit, and a special birthday cake adorned with one candle.

Pin smiled at her daughter, who had grown up before her eyes, "there's the birthday girl!" Thread's eyes lit up with delight as she heard her mother's voice. She squealed in excitement, her chubby arms reaching out to Pin.

"Mama!" she babbled happily, her tiny fingers grasping at the air.

Pin scooped Thread up into her arms, showering her with kisses. "Happy birthday, my little sunshine," she whispered, holding her daughter close.

"Coiny, you're missing the excitement," Needle said, knowing Coiny was taking much more time then he needed to to get ready.

Coiny got ready as fast as he could once he heard Pin. "Don't worry Thread, Daddy's coming," he shouted.

As Coiny continued to get ready, Barf Bag, Donut, Gaty, and Saw had come down to join the celebration of their friend's daughter.

As Coiny hurried downstairs, he was greeted by the joyful sight of his daughter in Pin's arms, surrounded by their friends. His heart swelled with pride and love as he joined them, ready to celebrate Thread's special day.

"Happy birthday, princess!" Coiny exclaimed, scooping Thread up into his arms and planting a kiss on her forehead.

Thread giggled, her laughter filling the room as she reached out to touch her father's face. Coiny's heart melted at the sight of her tiny fingers, marveling at how much she had grown in just one year.

The rest of Team8s gathered around, showering Thread with love and affection. They laughed and joked, sharing stories of the past year and dreaming of the adventures that lay ahead.

As they sat down to enjoy Pin's delicious breakfast spread, Needle couldn't help but reflect on how blessed they were to have such a wonderful family. Thread had brought them all together in a way they never could have imagined, filling their lives with laughter, love, and endless joy.

"I can't believe Thread is already one," Barf Bag remarked, her eyes shining with emotion. "It feels like just yesterday we met her for the first time."

Donut nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across her face. "She's grown so much in just one year. It's incredible to see how much she's changed and developed."

Thread babbled happily as she sat in Coiny's lap, reaching out to grab pieces of fruit from her birthday cake. Her laughter echoed throughout the room, filling everyone's hearts with warmth and happiness.

As they finished breakfast, Pin brought out Thread's presents, each one carefully wrapped and adorned with colorful bows. Thread clapped her hands in excitement as she tore into each one, her eyes lighting up with delight at the sight of her new toys and clothes.

Saw placed a gentle hand on her bump, feeling the tiny kicks and movements from within. "Looks like someone wants to join the celebration too," she said with a smile, her heart overflowing with love for the baby inside of her.

Thread's first birthday was a day filled with laughter, love, and cherished memories. As the celebration continued, Thread's parents couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for their beautiful family and the incredible journey they had been on together.

As the day drew to a close, they gathered around Thread's birthday cake, the one candle flickering in the soft glow of the room. Thread's eyes sparkled with excitement as they sang her happy birthday, her tiny hands clapping in delight.

With one big breath, Thread "blew out the candle", although it was really Coiny having to blow it out for her, since Thread's little lungs could only contain so much air.

"I'm so glad you're in our lives Thread," Coiny said, "we weren't initially planning to have a kid so soon, but I can't imagine our lives any other way. You're going to just bring more fun as you get older."

With each passing moment, Coiny and Needle cherished the love and happiness that Thread brought into their lives. As they looked around at their friends, sharing in the joy of their daughter's first birthday, they knew that they were truly blessed.

As the night came to an end, and Thread finally drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the excitement of her special day, Thread's parents tucked her into bed, their hearts full of love and gratitude.

"Happy birthday, sweet Thread," Pin whispered, pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead. "Thank you for bringing so much love and joy into our lives."


The baby is no longer the baby! I swear you all are going to love Thread as she grows up!

Anyway, so how do we feel about TPOT 10 in just a few weeks!!!!!! I already know these next few weeks are gonna feel like forever to evreyone, so hopefully this book can fill a small part of the void! 

You all are not ready for the next chapter...it's the longest one by a good bit! See you all then!

- Sunny

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