71. This New Reality

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As the rest of Team8s came to terms with Thread's life changing condition in the waiting room of the hospital, they had displayed a range of emotions.

Barf Bag had known as soon as she saw the state of that little girl, there would be a very low chance of her ever walking again. Of course, she didn't say anything when the accident first happened, but now the reality was sinking in. She couldn't help but feel a deep sadness for Thread; that bubbly personality felt like her own child.

Donut, usually the voice of reason in times of crisis, found himself at a loss for words. He had always prided himself on being able to handle any situation that came his way, but this was different. This was Thread, their Thread, lying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life. Donut couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at his insides, knowing that he could have done more to prevent the accident.

Saw and Gaty couldn't even imagine if that was their Bladey lying in that bed. That little girl was likely going to spend the rest of her life bound to the constraints of a wheelchair.

"That's all Bladey's going to know," Gaty said, "Thread's just going to be a girl in a wheelchair; she's never going to meet the Thread we all came to know over these last two years."

Needle looked over at Dimey, and thought the exact same thing, "Dimey is just a baby, but he will never know her sister the way we all do. Thread's life is now forever altered."

The throuple thought we're told a lot about what the next many months would look like. It was looking like Thread was going to be in the hospital for at least another 4 months, if not more. That meant significant adjustments for the entire family. Pin, Coiny, and Needle discussed rearranging their time at the bakery to ensure that one of them could always be with Thread at the hospital in these upcoming days. They knew they couldn't leave her side, not even for a moment.

Meanwhile, the rest of Team8s had to chip in to help out Dimey. The throuple was nervous about how Threads current situation would change the relationship they would have with their newborn son, since they weren't going to be around nearly as often to be able to take care of them.

However, the three of them knew that the rest of Team8s would be able to handle taking care of their little nephew.

"You know that he's gonna be in great hands, Needle," Barf Bag said, while placing a hand on her shoulder.

Needle just sighed, "I'm sorry for putting you through all of this," she said.

Coiny nodded, agreeing with Needle, "you know...it's totally fine with us if you want to move out."

Saw immediately shook her head, "no way you three," Saw said, "why would we leave you when you need us now more than ever."

Gaty agreed with her, "we've been a team since day one, this isn't going to change that, not in the slightest."

The throuple smiled, thankful for their team's support through this difficult time. They eventually made their way back into Threads' hospital room, where she was finally starting to come to after this whole ordeal.

"Mommy? Daddy?" she croaked out.

Pin's eyes welled as she heard her daughters voice, "hey there sweet girl" she whispered, as she gave Thread a kiss on the forehead.

Thread's voice, weak yet filled with love, brought a glimmer of hope to the room. Despite the pain and uncertainty, her spirit remained unbroken.

"Thread, darling, we're here," Coiny said, his voice trembling with emotion as he took her hand gently.

Needle leaned in close, tears streaming down her cheeks as she whispered, "We love you so much, sweetheart. We're right here with you."

Thread's eyes fluttered open, her gaze moving from one face to another, taking in the love and concern reflected in their eyes. Even in her weakened state, she managed a small smile.

"I love you too," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

The throuple leaned in and comforted their daughter, who was facing much more than most two years olds ever have to face. Eventually, Thread's mouth opened, and that's when she asked a question that broke her parents' hearts.

"I'm never going to walk again, am I?" she whispered, her voice filled with fear and uncertainty.

Pin's heart shattered into a million pieces at her daughter's words. She struggled to find the right words, knowing that no matter what she said, it wouldn't erase the harsh reality of Thread's situation.

Coiny squeezed Thread's hand gently, his own heart heavy with sorrow. "Sweetheart, we don't know what the future holds," he said softly, trying to sound reassuring despite the lump in his throat. "But what we do know is that we love you more than anything in this world, and we'll be here for you every step of the way, no matter what."

Needle wiped away her tears, her voice choked with emotion as she added, "You're the bravest girl we know, Thread. And we'll do everything we can to help you adjust to this new chapter in your life."

Thread nodded slowly, her gaze shifting from her parents to the rest of Team8s gathered around her. She saw the love and support in their eyes, and for a brief moment, she felt a flicker of hope ignite within her.

"Thank you," she said, her voice gaining strength with each word. "Thank you for being here for me."

As Thread's words filled the room, a sense of unity and determination washed over her parents. They knew that Thread's journey would be difficult, but they also knew that they would face it together, as a family.


Thread's not going anywhere you guys! She may have lost the use of her legs, but her personality is still as strong as ever!

Also, I've thought about it, and I might be taking a break for uploading for about a week or so. My goal is to upload the next chapter before May begins, and get back to the every other day uploads, but I'll let you all know if that changes! It's been really nice to be able to upload chapters every few days for nearly three months now, and seeing you guys react to each new chapter I upload makes me so happy! I usually have such a backlog of chapters ready to go for you guys, but this next part of the story is going to take me a little more time to really nail down, I hope you guys understand!

I honestly never like writing growing up, but since writing on Wattpad, I realized it was the content I was writing that was making it so dull for me! Knowing that I have an impact on the OSC, even if it's just a group of around a dozen people or so, makes me feel like I have a purpose here, even and I thank all of you for sticking with me on this journey! I read every one of your comments, and each and every one puts a smile to my face, no matter how small they might be, and sometimes those are all it takes to put a smile on my face after a hard day!

Anyway, sorry for the little ramble, lol, I just really needed you guys to know how grateful I am for the support on this book. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you all in around a week or so for the next chapter!

- Sunny

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