75. Operation Accessible

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It had been a month since the tragedy that unfolded at the trampoline park. However, Thread had been staying strong, her condition only improving by the day. She had been getting more comfortable with getting in and out of her wheelchair, and while some days were certainly harder than others, she always found a way to keep going.

As the days continued to go by, while it seemed far away, the team had to get ready to welcome Thread back into their home. However, they quickly realized that in order for Thread to move back into the house, there would need to be some renovations done to make it more accessible.

With that in mind, the team began thinking about ways they could make the house more accessible.

Pin, Coiny, Needle, Saw, Gaty, Donut and Barf Bag gathered around the kitchen table, each with a determined expression on their face. They were ready to tackle the challenge of making their home more accessible for Thread.

"We need to make sure Thread can move around freely and safely once she's back home," Pin stated, her voice filled with determination.

"I agree," Coiny chimed in. "We'll need to widen doorways, install ramps, and make sure there are no obstacles blocking her path."

Needle nodded in agreement. "And we'll need to make sure everything is at a reachable height for her from her wheelchair."

Saw raised her hand. "I think we should also consider installing grab bars in the bathroom and shower to help her maintain her balance."

Gaty added, "And maybe we could lower some of the furniture to make it easier for her to utilize it."

Barf Bag, who had been listening intently, spoke up. "Don't forget about upstairs. We'll need to make sure that her bedroom and bathroom are accessible to."

With a plan in place, the team got to work. They spent the next few days researching accessibility modifications and contacting contractors to get estimates. It was a daunting task, but they were determined to do whatever it took to make their home welcoming and safe for Thread.

Eventually, Coiny found one of those stair lift chairs that are mostly used for old people, but he thought it would be perfect for Thread. The stairs leading to the upstairs area were quite steep, and it wouldn't be easy to install a wheelchair ramp, so having another way for her to get up the stairs was crucial.

"Ooo, I like it," Pin pointed out.

"I would have loved one of those when I broke my ankle," Needle added.

The three of them laughed, as they added the stair lift into their online shopping cart.

Meanwhile, Saw and Gaty headed out to the hardware store to find some grab bars for around the house.

"Saw, come here," Gaty said, as she found a bar that would be good for the bathroom.

"Bah!" Bladey exclaimed, trying some more to mimic her parents' sounds.

"That's right Bladey," Saw said, smiling at Bladey in her arms, "that's a barrrrr for cousin Thread!"

As they continued to browse the aisles, Saw and Gaty made sure to choose grab bars that were sturdy and easy to install. They wanted to make sure Thread felt secure and supported in every room of the house.

After selecting the grab bars, Saw and Gaty headed to the checkout counter to pay for their purchases. As they waited in line, Saw couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building.

"I can't wait to see Thread's reaction when she sees all the changes we've made to the house," Saw said, her voice filled with anticipation.

Gaty nodded in agreement. "It's going to be amazing to see her face light up when she realizes how much we've done for her," she replied, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

Back at home, Donut and Barf Bag were testing the furniture and seeing if it was going to be accessible for Thread. They would sit in a chair, and see how easy it was to uliize the furniture in the chair, or transfer out the chair and onto said furniture.

Most of the furniture was pretty accessible for Thread, however, once they got upstairs, they instantly realized there was work to be done. Starting in the bathroom, they realized that the sink was way to high for her to be able to use it.

"How the hell is Thread ever going to be able to use this bathroom?" Donut exclaimed.

Barf Bag nodded in agreement, furrowing her brow as she examined the sink. "Yeah, this won't work. We need to find a way to lower it so Thread can reach it comfortably."

Donut tapped his chin thoughtfully, scanning the bathroom for potential solutions. "What if we install an adjustable sink? That way, Thread can raise or lower it to the perfect height whenever she needs to use it."

Barf Bag's eyes lit up with excitement at the idea. "That could work! Let's measure the space and see if we can find a sink that will fit."

Together, they took measurements and made note of the dimensions they would need for the new sink. With a plan in mind, they headed downstairs to join the rest of the team.

As they gathered around the kitchen table once more, Donut and Barf Bag shared their findings and proposed their solution for the bathroom sink.

"I think an adjustable sink is the way to go," Barf Bag said, her voice filled with confidence. "It will give Thread the flexibility she needs to use the bathroom comfortably."

Pin and Coiny exchanged impressed glances, nodding in agreement with the suggestion. "That sounds like a great idea," Pin said, her eyes shining with appreciation. "We'll need to make sure it's installed securely and safely."

Coiny added, "And we should also look into adding some non-slip flooring and grab bars in the bathroom to prevent any accidents."

With everyone in agreement, they added the adjustable sink to their list of renovations and made arrangements to purchase it as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Saw and Gaty returned from the hardware store, their arms laden with grab bars for the house. As they entered, they were greeted by the sight of Donut and Barf Bag discussing their plans for the bathroom.

"Looks like we've got some more work to do," Saw said with a smile, setting down the grab bars on the table.

Gaty nodded, her eyes sparkling with determination. "We're going to make this house perfect for Thread," she declared, her voice filled with conviction.

And with that shared determination driving them forward, the team set to work on their mission to make their home accessible for Thread. Each member brought their own unique skills and ideas to the table, working together seamlessly to create a space where Thread could feel safe, comfortable, and loved. And as they worked tirelessly to bring their vision to life, they knew that their efforts would soon be rewarded with the joy and gratitude of their beloved friend and family member.


Far from the best chapter I've written, but oh well. If you didn't see my post on my message board, I had to delay this chapter because I had a big fat test this afternoon (and it was brutal). But that's done now, yay! Hopefully I should be back on schedule soon, sorry for the inconstancy! Hope you enjoyed this chapter regardless, and I'll see you in the next one!

- Sunny

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