6. Saw and Gaty's First Date

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After a quick trip to the grocery store, Coiny arrived back at the hotel. As he started putting the groceries in the fridge, he noticed a pungent smell. Upon smelling it a little bit more, he realized it was the smell of perfume, one of Pins to be exact.

The strange thing was that Pin was out with Saw and Barf Bag at the garden store to pick out some plants for the hotel.

"Who could be using the perfume," Coiny mumbled to himself. He traced the smell back to his room he shared with Pin and Needle. He gave a quick knock to find out who was inside.

"Who is it," Needle said, from inside the room.

"It's Coiny."

"Oh, come on in then." Coiny opened up the door, to find Needle sitting down with Gaty.

"I thought I smelled one of Pin's perfumes from here," Coiny said, looking confused.

"Well, that's because I'm helping Gaty get ready for her date with Saw tonight!"

"Oh, wow, that's awesome Gaty!"

It had been a few days since Gaty had confessed her feelings for Saw, and the two of them had been texting and talking on the phone non-stop. Finally, Saw had worked up the courage to ask Gaty out on a proper date. They had decided to meet at a new vegan restaurant that had just opened up in town.

"I'm just a bit nervous is all," Gaty said, " I really want this date to go well!"

"I'm sure it's gonna be great," Coiny said.

"I hope so," Gaty said. "Anway, I asked Pin if I could borrow one of her perfumes since I'm running low, and she said I could!"

"I really like this scent," Needle said, "I honestly might get one for myself!"

"Same here," Gaty said. "I think I'm gonna head out now, Saw's gonna come straight from the garden store."

"Alrighty then, have fun," Coiny said.

As Gaty approached the restaurant, she couldn't help but feel even more nervous. This was her first real date with Saw, and she really wanted it to go well. She spotted Saw sitting at a table near the back of the restaurant and made her way over.

"Hey, you look great," Saw said, smiling warmly as Gaty sat down across from her.

"Thanks, you too," Gaty replied, feeling her face flush.

They looked over the menu and ordered some appetizers to share. As they waited for their food, they chatted away.

"Ooo, Gaty, is that a new perfume I smell," Saw said, with a smile on her face.

"It's actually one of Pin's, she let me use it," Gaty said.

"Well, I think you need to get this for yourself," Saw said.

"I was thinking the same thing," Gaty said in agreement. "I wish I could wear it to work, but, you know how it is with the kids."

"I know! They would bombard you with about forty questions before you could even say good morning," Saw said. Gaty chuckled at her.

When their food arrived, they both dug in, savoring the delicious flavors. Saw had chosen the vegan sushi rolls, while Gaty had gone for the jackfruit tacos.

"These are amazing," Gaty said, taking another bite of her taco.

"I'm so glad you like it," Saw said, grinning. "I was really excited to try this place."

As they ate, Gaty couldn't help but feel a growing sense of attraction to Saw. She found herself wanting to snuggle up in bed with her the minute they got home.

After they finished their meal, Saw suggested they take a walk around the park nearby. Gaty agreed, feeling excited and a little bit nervous. As they strolled through the park, Saw reached out and leaned against Gaty

Gaty felt her heart skip a beat as she felt Saws warmth on her. This was the first time the two had ever shown affection, ironically, at the same place Coiny, Pin, and Needle held hand for the first time. Now she knew how they felt! They walked in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company. Finally, Saw turned to Gaty and spoke.

"I had a really great time tonight," she said, looking into Gaty's eyes. "I hope we can do it again sometime."

Gaty felt a surge of happiness and nodded. "I'd like that," she said, smiling.

As they made their way back to the hotel, Gaty felt a sudden burst of courage. She turned to Saw and leaned in, pressing her lips against Saw's in a gentle kiss. Saw kissed her back, and for a moment, everything else melted away. Gaty and Saw looked at each others faces for a second, both of which were pink at that moment. This was still only their second kiss, and were still getting used to it.

"I had a really great time too," Gaty whispered, feeling a warmth spread through her body.

"Me too," Saw replied, grinning from ear to ear.

As the two got to the hotel, they were greeted by the rest of the team. As Saw headed back to her room, Needle pulled Gaty aside.

"So," Needle said, with anticipation, "how was it? Did it go well?"

Gaty smiled at her. "It couldn't have gone any better!"

Needle squealed and pulled Gaty in for a hug. "That's awesome! You two make such an amazing couple!"

"Thanks Needle," Gaty said, as she headed back to her room. After the amazing night the two had, Gaty felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. She couldn't wait to see where this new relationship would take her and Saw.


Damn I love Saw and Gaty so much. To bad we won't get to see any more of them in TPOT since Saws gone. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!"

- Sunny

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