44. It's Time, Gaty

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Saw, who was at work, was dealing with yet another day of her lovely preschool class, observing all of the children coloring in the dinosaur coloring sheets she had handed out to them.

"Ms. Blades, Ms. Blades," She heard one of the students call out to her. She rushed over to the boy, who was proudly showing off his dinosaur.

Saw smiled warmly at the little boy, admiring his colorful drawing. "Wow, that's an amazing dinosaur! You did such a great job."

The child beamed with pride, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Thank you, Ms. Blades! I made him extra big and scary!"

Saw chuckled softly, ruffling his hair. "He does look very big and scary! You're quite the artist."

As Saw continued to circulate around the classroom, checking in on her other students and offering encouragement, her mind kept drifting back to the little life that was growing inside of her. She was 8 months along, her belly growing bigger by the day.

"Look Ms. Blades, I made her look like you," Saw heard another student say. She went over and noticed that the girl had drawn a dinosaur with an enlarged stomach. "She has a baby in her tummy, just like you!"

Saw's heart swelled with warmth as she looked at the drawing. The little girl had captured her pregnancy perfectly, with a sweet and innocent understanding that touched Saw deeply.

"That's so thoughtful of you," Saw said, her voice filled with emotion. "You're right, I do have a baby in my tummy, just like the egg in the dinosaur's stomach! Thank you for drawing this."

The girl grinned proudly, thrilled to have made the connection. Saw couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for her students, who had unknowingly brought her so much joy and comfort during her pregnancy.

When the kids went out for recess, Saw and her teaching partner, Mr. Key were on lunch duty, looking after the kids, who were running and playing. She looked down at her stomach and smiled. "That's going to be you in just a few years," she said to her unborn child,

As recess went on, Saw became increasingly aware of an on and off pain that flowed through her abdomen. It had been happening throughout the day, but it wasn't to the point where it hindered her teaching. She tried to brush it off, thinking they were just Braxton Hicks contractions, but they only continued to get stronger.

Saw just wanted to make it through the day, and deal with the pain when she got home, but eventually Mr. Key could tell that something was wrong. When the kids came back from recess, Mr. Key set the kids up with an activity as a way to keep them busy, so he could check up on Saw.

"Is something wrong," Mr. Key whispered to Saw.

Saw hesitated for a moment, debating whether to share her concerns with Mr. Key. But the pain was becoming increasingly intense, and she knew she couldn't ignore it any longer.

"I've been having these pains in my abdomen," Saw admitted quietly, her voice filled with worry. "They've been getting stronger throughout the day, and I'm starting to feel really uncomfortable."

Mr. Key's expression immediately shifted to one of concern, "you should rest in the teachers lounge for a little bit," he suggested, "I have everything under control here, don't you worry."

Saw listened to his suggestion and went off into the teacher's lounge. She sat down, got up and walked, listened to music, anything to get her mind off these pains. But no matter what she tried, the pain just kept on coming.

Then, it hit her. These weren't just Braxton Hicks, she was heading into labor.

It wasn't long before another one of Saw's colleagues went on her break, and walked inside the teachers lounge to find Saw clenching her baby bump.

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