41. Rushed Away

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As Saw's pregnancy progressed, the excitement within the Team8s household continued to build. The routine settled into a comforting pattern, with Saw and Gaty eagerly preparing for the arrival of their little one. The rest of the team was fully involved, sharing in the anticipation and offering their support.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting warm hues across the sky, the team gathered in the living room. Saw, now approaching her sixth month of this pregnancy, sat comfortably on the couch, her hand resting gently on her swollen belly. Gaty, beside her, leaned against Saw's belly, feeling the baby's kicks.

"I think the baby knows their mom is here, " Saw said.

Gaty chuckled, "Yeah, I think so too. They're probably just as excited to meet you as we are to meet them."

Saw smiled, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I can't wait to hold our little one in my arms," she said softly, her voice filled with love.

"Me too Saw," Gaty replied, excited to meet her daughter.

"I'm going to get a glass of water, hold on a minute," Saw said, as she got up. However, when her feet hit the ground, she started to feel light headed. and dizzy. Saw's vision blurred, and she stumbled, reaching out to grab onto the nearest piece of furniture for support. Gaty sprang to her feet, her expression filled with concern as she rushed to Saw's side.

"Saw, are you okay?" She  asked, her voice laced with worry.

Saw shook her head, her breath coming in short gasps as she struggled to remain upright. "I don't know," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

Then, just seconds later, Saw fainted.

Gaty's heart raced as she watched Saw collapse. Panic surged through her veins as she knelt beside her partner, frantically checking for signs of consciousness. The rest of Team8s sprang into action, their expressions a mix of shock and concern.

Pin dialed 911 without hesitation, her voice steady as she relayed the situation to the operator. Barf Bag rushed to Saw's side, gently cradling her head as Gaty supported her limp body.

"Saw, wake up," Gaty whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "Please, wake up."

But Saw remained unresponsive, her breathing shallow and faint. With each passing second, the sense of urgency in the room grew stronger, a palpable reminder of the fragile nature of life.

Finally, the sound of approaching sirens broke through the tension, signaling the arrival of the paramedics. Gaty's heart leaped with relief as she heard the commotion outside, knowing that help was on the way.

Within moments, the paramedics burst through the door, their trained hands immediately springing into action. They carefully lifted Saw, who was starting to wake up, onto a stretcher and brought her into the ambulance.

Gaty followed close behind as they rushed Saw out of the house and into the waiting ambulance. She climbed in beside her partner, as they sped towards the hospital.

Once they had left, all the rest of the group could do was wait. Thread, who had heard the commotion, had woken up from her crib, her cries filling the entire house.

Coiny volunteered to go try and calm her down in the nursery. He scooped her daughter out of the crib and started rocking her.

"It's okay Thread, daddy's here," he said, trying to soothe the child, "Auntie Saw just had to go to the hospital."

Thread continued to cry, but Coiny, trying hard to hide his worry, continued to cradle the baby.
"Auntie Gaty went with her too. Auntie Saw's carrying your baby cousin in her tummy, I can't wait for you guys to meet each other!"

Despite Thread being only a baby, she seemed to understand what her father was saying. She gradually calmed down, her cries softening into gentle whimpers as Coiny rocked her back and forth.

Meanwhile, back in the living room, the rest of Team8s sat in tense silence, their thoughts consumed by worry for Saw and Gaty. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as they waited anxiously for any news.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the phone rang, breaking the heavy silence. Pin rushed to the phone and answered it.

"It's the hospital," Pin announced, her voice trembling with emotion as she listened intently to the caller on the other end. A hush fell over the room as the team waited with bated breath for the news they so desperately needed.

Pin's expression softened, a glimmer of hope lighting up her eyes as she absorbed the words of the person on the other end of the line. Relief flooded through her, evident in the way her tense shoulders relaxed and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"They're both stable," Pin finally said, her voice ringing with joy and gratitude. "Saw's regained consciousness, and the doctors are monitoring her closely. And the baby... the baby is doing just fine."

A sense of relief came over the team.

"I'm so glad they're both Okay," Needle said, her voice still trembling.

Pin continued to speak with the hospital some more before she hung up. "Looks like Saw's spending the night in the hospital, Gaty said she needs their stuff so she's gonna head back here before going back to the hospital."

The team was glad to know that their friend was doing okay, but they knew there were still more bumps in the road to come.
Don't worry everyone's gonna be just fine! But yeah, not my best work, but oh well, it's done now. See you next chapter!

- Sunny

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