78. Operation Accessible, Pt. 2

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As the next school year was starting to approach, Saw and Gaty had a lot of preparation to do. They had already had their teachers meeting and were now starting to set up their classrooms. For Gaty, this meant making sure all of the books and toys were in order, and organizing her lesson plans. Saw had to make sure things in her classroom were running in a similar manor, however, she had a new challenge to add to the classroom.

With Thread coming home in just a week, she was going to be starting her second year of preschool in a wheelchair. Because Thread already had so much going on with her current condition, the school thought it would be best for her to be in Saw's class, just to be with someone who understands her current needs at a better level than all the other teachers.

For most of the day, Saw had spent a lot of time looking at every aspect of the school to see if it would be accessible for Thread. This included tables, bathrooms, and just the space of the classroom in general. Saw thought that the whole process of getting the school in shape for Thread would be relatively simple, but boy was she wrong.

Saws teaching partner, Spool Key, noticed Saw in distress as she was running around the hallways of the school, "Saw! Are you good? I get you're under a lot of stress right now with all of this."

Saw turned her head to face him, "no, not really, this school mind as well have spikes running across the floor. This is no place for a girl in a wheelchair!"

Spool frowned sympathetically, understanding the gravity of Saw's concerns. "I see what you mean. Accessibility is crucial, especially for someone like Thread. But hey, you're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together."

Saw sighed, feeling a little comforted by Spool's support. "Thanks, I appreciate it. It's just... I want Thread to feel comfortable and included, you know? She's been through so much already."

Spool nodded, placing a reassuring hand on Saw's shoulder. "I know, and she's lucky to have you looking out for her. Let's start by making a list of all the areas that need to be modified or improved for Thread's accessibility. Then we can work with the school administration to make the necessary changes."

Saw brightened at the suggestion, grateful for Mr. Key's practical approach. "That sounds like a plan. Thanks, Spool."

Together, they set to work, meticulously documenting every obstacle and barrier they encountered throughout the school. From narrow doorways to high bookshelves, they made note of everything that would need to be addressed to ensure Thread's smooth navigation through the school environment.

"You know," Spool brought up, "I have a table that will probably fit a wheelchair underneath it. It's not the most ideal, but I'd say it's better than nothing; she's gonna want a nice table to color on."

Saw's face lit up, "I would love it if you could do that Spool! Thanks for thinking of that!

Spool smiled, "It's nothing! I want that girl to be happy as much as you do!"

They two of them continued to work on changes in the classroom, from making sure Thread had a cubby she could reach, to arranging the desks in a way for her to get her wheelchair around.

Once the two of them finished organising the classroom, Saw met up with Gaty in the hallways.

"How's the organizing for you, Gates?" Saw asked her wife.

"It's been going pretty good," Gaty replied, "although now I'm realizing how inaccessible my classroom is! If I ever had a student in a wheelchair, they'd have a very hard time."

"It's crazy how little we thought of this before Thread," Saw responded, "makes you wonder how many other spaces aren't suited for people with wheelchairs, or any disability for that matter."

Gaty nodded at that realization, "Then I'd say let's use our knowledge to help impact this place! We could change the entirety of Goiky for those with disabilities! As an armless person, there have been several accessibility issues that I've noticed get fixed over time, why do the same for people with wheelchairs!"

The two of them headed home soon after, excited to tell Threads parents about the progress they made at the school.

Once they opened the door, Pin was eager to greet them, "How'd it go?"

Saw smiled, "We still have some work to do...but we've made some great progress!"

"Ooo, we talking about accommodations?" Coiny said, as he ran downstairs, eager to hear how Thread is going to be able to enjoy preschool.

"Yeah," Pin said, "wanna go get Needle so we can all talk?"

"Sure, I'll get her," Coiny ran upstairs and got Needle, who had just finished putting down Dimey for a nap.

"So what's the story," Needle asked.

"My teaching partner is bringing in a table that's gonna fit the wheelchair underneath it," Saw stated, "Hopefully it ends up working out for her!"

"I hope so too!" Coiny interjected.

"What else?" Needle questioned

Gaty listed off some of the other modifications they had implemented, from adjusting desk heights to creating wheelchair-friendly pathways throughout the classroom. "We still have some more adjustments to make, but we're getting there."

Pin smiled proudly at Saw and Gaty, a sense of admiration evident in her expression. "You two are amazing. Thread is lucky to have such caring Aunties."

Saw and Gaty exchanged a grateful smile, touched by Pin's words. "We just want to make sure she feels included and valued," Saw said softly.

Needle reached out, squeezing Saw's hand in a gesture of support. "Well, you're doing a fantastic job. We appreciate everything you're doing for Thread."

With renewed determination, Saw and Gaty were ready to continue their mission to create a more accessible and inclusive environment for Thread and other students with disabilities. And as they discussed plans for the upcoming school year, they knew they were making a positive impact that would benefit the entire community for years to come.


A bit of a boring chapter, but hey, Thread is almost home! Also BFDIA 12 is this week (it's not TPOT 11 but content is content) and I'm excited! Sorry that this upload is a bit late, it was a bit of a hectic day for me. See you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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