17. Nothing Too Fancy

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Not even a week after the wedding, the Team8s house turned into pure chaos.

It didn't take long for morning sickness to hit Pin like a truck, and it was not fun for anyone, especially Pin herself. First, Coiny and Needle had to work extra at the bakery, since Pin was too sick to work. Then, it got hard to get dinner, since Pin usually cooked. Even when someone else cooked, they'd have to be really careful, since Pin was really sensitive to smells.

Also, Donut and Barf Bag had to start planning out their own wedding. Since Gaty and Saw had the summer off work, it was easier for them to help plan out their wedding. The throuple couldn't really help out anyway due to the pregnancy.

Even with all the chaos going on, Gaty still thought about another possible wedding: hers. After watching Coiny, Pin, and Needle get married, she decided she was ready finally to pop the question herself.

Gaty couldn't shake the thought of proposing to Saw, she had even bought the ring already, and despite the chaos unfolding in the Team8s house, she found a quiet moment to share her feelings with Barf Bag.

"Barfy, do you think it's crazy to be thinking about proposing?" Gaty asked, her eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Barf Bag chuckled, "Well, when has anything in our lives been ordinary? Besides, love doesn't wait for the perfect moment. If you feel it's right, then go for it."

Encouraged by Barf Bag's words, Gaty decided to just go for it right then and there. She found Saw in her room, taking a break from planning Donut and Barf Bag's wedding. As Gaty approached, a wave of nerves washed over her.

"Saw, can we talk for a moment?" Gaty asked,

Saw looked up, setting aside the wedding planning notes. "Of course, Gaty. What's on your mind?"

Taking a deep breath, Gaty couldn't contain her excitement and nervousness as she got down on one knee, presenting the small box to Saw. "Saw, you've brought so much joy into my life. Will you marry me?"

Saw's eyes widened, and a gasp of surprise escaped her lips. The room seemed to hold its breath as Saw took in the unexpected moment. A moment of silence hung in the air before Saw's eyes welled up with tears of joy.

"Yes, Gaty! A thousand times, yes!" Saw exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

Gaty's heart soared as Saw pulled her into a tight embrace, sealing the joyous occasion with a kiss. The chaos in the Team8s house momentarily melted away as the couple celebrated their love.

"Sorry I couldn't make this more special, it's just with Pin being sick and Barf Bag and Donuts wedding I-"

"Gaty," Saw said, "this is all I ever wanted! I was just too scared to ask! This is already special in my eyes!"

Gaty smiled at her, knowing that their love was all that truly mattered at the end.

The day went but, and dinner time quickly approached. Donut, in charge of dinner, made some sandwiches.

"Sorry for the lack of a fancy dinner," Donut apologized, glancing at Pin. "We went for something light to avoid any overwhelming smells. Hope it works for everyone."

Pin, feeling grateful for the consideration, managed a small smile. "It's perfect, Donut. Thank you."

As the Team8s settled into dinner, Gaty and Saw couldn't stop smiling at each other. Barf Bag, aware of what happened, smiled back at them.

"Ladies, you got somthing you want to share with the class," Barf Bag asked.

Saw and Gaty laughed. "We just got engaged!" Saw exclaimed, showing off her new ring, and Gaty beamed beside her.

Cheers erupted around the table, with Coiny, Pin, Needle, Donut, and Barf Bag sharing in the joy of the newly engaged couple.

As the Team8s continued their dinner, plans for the upcoming weddings intertwined with laughter and excited chatter. Despite the challenges and unexpected turns, the atmosphere in the house had transformed into one of warmth and shared happiness.

The chaos of life was momentarily forgotten as the Team8s embraced the joyous milestones unfolding within their lives. They toasted to the future – a future filled with weddings, new beginnings, and the unwavering support they found in each other.
Holy cow I was not ready for TPOT 9, best episode of the series. The elimination was painful though, I'm so sad that Coiny is gone, he is my second favorite (behind Pin)😔. But holy shit Pin she was so good she had her breakthrough! I know, short chapter this time, but I hope you enjoyed it! See you next chapter!

- Sunny

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