63. The Nesting Needle

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As Needle entered the eighth month of pregnancy, she found herself overcome with an overwhelming urge to prepare for the arrival of her baby. It manifested in Needle as a strong desire to organize and tidy every corner of their home, ensuring that everything was perfect for their little one's arrival.

It all started one Saturday morning when Needle woke up with a burst of energy and a long to-do list swirling in her mind. She wasted no time in getting started, eager to tackle each task with enthusiasm and determination.

"Alright, Team8s," Needle announced, her voice filled with determination, "Today, we're going to get this house ready for the baby!"

"Woah, what's with the sudden burst in energy Needle?" Coiny questioned.

"I think it's just the nesting instinct kicking in," Needle replied with a smile. "I want everything to be perfect for our little one's arrival."

The rest of the team exchanged amused glances, recognizing the familiar signs of nesting in Needle's behavior. But they were more than happy to lend a hand and support her in her mission.

"Where do you want us to start?" Saw asked, already rolling up her sleeves in preparation for a day of cleaning and organizing.

"Let's start with the nursery," Needle replied, leading the way upstairs to the room that would soon be their baby's haven. "Coiny, Pin, can you get Threads old crib from the garage? It should be in a box by the left corner."

"We're on it, Needle," Pin said.

The two of them trekked their way to the garage, and found Threads old crib, which had been taken apart once Thread graduated to a big girl bed.

"Nice that we don't have to buy another one of these things," Coiny said.

"I agree," Pin replied, "but we still have to do the tedious task of setting it up."

Coiny nodded, "true, anyway, I'm going to bring this upstairs!"

"You sure you don't need any help with that," Pin questioned.

"Nah," Coiny said, struggling to pick up the crib, "I can do this Pin."

Pin laughed at the sight of her husband trying to pick up the box with the crib, clearly struggling.

Meanwhile, Thread, who was eager to help out in any way she could, was given the task of vacuuming the nursery. As she vacuumed, Needle kept an eye on her, making sure that she got rid of all the debris that could be lurking around the room.

"Did I do good mommy?" Thread asked, wanting to make her mother proud.

Needle nodded, "You did amazing sweetie, your brother is going to love what you did to his room!"

Gaty and Saw were outside, setting up Thread's old car seat back into Coiny, Pin, and Needles car, making sure that everything was still in working order.

"I still can't believe we're going to have ANOTHER little one roaming the house," Gaty remarked, "first Thread, then our Bladey, and now the very first son out of all of them!'

Saw laughed, "well, he should be just as much of a joy to have around as the others we're."

Back inside, Barf Bag and Donut were helping Coiny and Pin set up the crib, which was more exhausting than they would like to admit.

"How did we do this the first time with Thread," Coiny questioned.

Pin shrugged, "I guess we'll never know."

After Saw and Gaty finished up the car seat, they headed back inside to fetch Bladey from her nap. Before they could though, Needle wanted to speak to them.

"Hey guys, could you go get Coiny and Pin over here for me, I have something I want to talk about with them," Needle said, while sitting down on the couch.

Gaty nodded, "Yeah, we will, is everything okay?"

Needle reassured them, "yes, everything's fine, don't worry! I just want to talk to them for a bit!"

Saw and Gay went past the nursery, as the rest of the crew was finishing up the crib.

"Hey Coiny and Pin," Saw said, "Needle wants to talk to guys! She never specified why though."

Coiny and Pin, while confused, went over to the couch to find Needle, who looked like she was in a little discomfort.

"Is everything okay, Needle?" Pin asked with concern.

"Yeah, don't worry," Needle said, "just thought I'd let you two know that I'm feeling some braxton hicks right now!"

The two of them jolted a little, and immediately snuggled around Needle to make her more comfortable.

Needle smiled at the concern evident in Coiny and Pin's expressions, grateful for their immediate support. Despite the discomfort, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and reassurance as her partners gathered around her.

"It's nothing to worry about," Needle reassured them, her voice calm despite the twinges of discomfort. "Just a little reminder that our little one will be here before we know it."

Coiny rubbed her back gently, his expression filled with tenderness. "Do you need anything? Water, a pillow, anything at all?"

"Maybe just some rest," Needle replied, leaning back against the cushions with a sigh of relief.

Pin nodded, her eyes soft with concern. "We'll take care of everything, Needle. You just focus on resting and taking care of yourself and the baby."

Coiny and Pin leaned themselves against Needle's bump, feeling little movements from their unborn child.

"Dang," Pin said, "he's moving way more than Thread did!"

Needle laughed, "yeah, he moves around quite a lot! I can only imagine how active he's going to be as he gets older."

"Hey," Coiny realized, "that reminds me of someone I know!" He turned over to Needle and gave her a little kiss on the cheek, which made her blush a little bit.

As the evening drew near and Needle's discomfort subsided, the team continued their preparations with renewed vigor. Bladey was awake from her nap, eager to join in the excitement, and soon the entire household was buzzing with activity.

Together, they finished setting up the nursery, making it a cozy and welcoming space for the newest addition to their family. Needle couldn't help but smile as she looked around the room, imagining the joy and laughter that would fill it in the days to come.

With everything in place and Needle comfortably settled on the couch, the team gathered around for a well-deserved break. They shared stories and laughter, reveling in the anticipation of the new arrival.

As the night grew darker outside, Needle felt a sense of contentment wash over her. Surrounded by her loved ones, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family.


I'm so sorry for the delay everyone! I had a lot on my mind, and it didn't occur to me that it was time for a new chapter! Don't worry though, you guys will be getting another chapter tomorrow! Anyway, baby is almost here aaaaa! I hope you enjoyed this one! See you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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