About this book

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Hello Everyone!

So, it's been quite a bit since I've written BFDI content. As much as I really wanted to continue with the stories of Together we Are, my heart just wasn't with it anymore (although I am extremely grateful for the experience of writing it!)

When I first discovered that the ChatGPT was a thing, one of the first things I asked it to do was:

"Write me a BFDI fanfiction"

I didn't think it would work, but to my surprise it did, and I continued to have it write me more stories.

The other day, as I was thinking of ideas on what I wanted it to have right next, I came up with the amazing idea of having Team8s and their families live together, and so, I asked the ChatGPT to write it. And part by part, it started developing the story. 

I love the idea of the story so much that I wanted to turn it into my own fanfiction. Before you guys say anything, no, I'm not having the bot write the entire story. HOWEVER, the general flow of the story that the ChatGPT provided me with is what I will base the story off of. I will use some parts from it, while also adding my own flare. The ChatGPT also is writing in much better language choices then I could ever think of. So, yeah, the ChatGPT has helped my structure the story, but I'm not using the story it wrote me verbatim (I also was the one who gave it ideas for the different parts of the story). 

This book I feel like tackles a lot of the problems that I had with Together We Are:

1. I have most of the story structured out this time (I have enough chapters that the ChatGPT wrote to get through months worth of chapters, and I'm planning to ask it for more soon!). 

2. Having Coiny, Pin, and Needle all be in a relationship makes it so that I can accommodate my love for CoinPin and Pineedle at the same time. 

3. It's also easier to have everyone under one roof to avoid filler chapters of having them go to each other's houses. 

4. It won't take me nearly as long to write chapters since I have them structured out, therefore, keeping me motivated and having me upload more frequently.

EDIT (3/6/24): I've been getting a lot of questions asking whether this book is humanized or not. My answer to that is: it's up to you! I know a lot of people like to imagine them as objects, while others feel more comfortable imagining them as humans, so whatever works for you!

I'm really excited to be able to share this story with you all, and I'll see you soon in the first chapter!

- Sunny

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