25. Missed Connections

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As Pin's due date was approaching, the whole house was getting prepared for the new addition to the family.

"Alright everyone," Barf Bag said with authority, "we need to make sure we have everything ready to go! We have less than a month until Pin, Coiny, and Needle's baby is due, and I don't want to put all of this off for too long."

"I can go set up the crib," Donut offered. After hearing the news of Pin's baby, they had been generous enough to add another room in their section of the hotel to serve as a nursery for the baby.

"Alright, you go do that. When you're done, let me know so I can make sure it's stable."

"I can do the carseat," Coiny volunteered, "those things I hear can be tricky."

"Gee Barfy, since when did you know how to take charge," Pin asked.

"It's part of being Dr. Gutterson, sometimes the hospital can get a little crazy and knowing how to take charge is vital!"

"Anaways, I'm gonna try and set up the changing table that came in the mail a few days ago, wish me luck!" Pin went to the nursery and started setting up the table.

Saw wanted to help out too. "I'll go help Coiny with the carseat. I've had to help parents with a carseat or two at the preschool."

"Awsome!" Barf Bag looked around the room, when she noticed that Needle was nowhere in sight. "Gaty, have you seen Needle?" she asked.

"No, I haven't," Gaty said.

"Huh, that's interesting. I'm going to help Donut with the crib, could you maybe go and find her if you can, I'm starting to get worried."

Gaty, now slightly concerned, replied, "of course, I'll tell you if I find her."

Gaty searched around the whole hotel room, but Needle was nowhere to be found. Eventually, she heard some faint crying, which sounded like they were coming from outside. Sure enough, when Gaty checked the balcony, she saw Needle in tears, with her head buried in her knees.

Worried, she opened up the door that led to the balcony to go and check on her.

"Needle...is everything alright," Gaty asked.

Needle lifted her head from her knees. "Needle lifted her head from her knees. Tears streaked down her face, but she managed a small, reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just needed a moment."

Gaty sat down beside her, offering a supportive presence. "You sure? If something's bothering you, you can talk to me."

Needle took a deep breath, contemplating her feelings. "It's just... with the baby coming, I've been feeling...a bit of disconnection."

"In what way?" Gaty asked.

Needle took a moment to respond, "like, I know Pin is pregnant with our child...but she just doesn't feel like mine. It just feels like it's Pin and Coiny's child and I'm just some third wheel. I know biology doesn't matter at the end of the day, but it's still there, and I don't know how to get rid of this feeling. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited for the baby, I really am ,it's just, I wish I felt more of a connection."

Gaty nodded empathetically. "I can imagine that's tough. But, Needle, being a parent is about more than just biology. It's about love, care, and being there for the child. You're as much a parent as Pin and Coiny. Your love and support are what truly matter."

Needle sighed, wiping away a few tears. "I know you're right, Gaty. It's just, with the due date approaching, I can't help but feel this emotional distance. Like I'm missing out on something."

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