65. The Stomach Bug

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It was around 2 in the morning. Pin, Coiny, and Needle were spending their first night in the birthing center with their newborn son, while the rest of Team8s was fast asleep at their house. Thread was fast asleep like all the others, until she got jolted awake by a wave of nausea. Thread had never experienced this feeling before, so she didn't really know what to do.

Eventually, she puked all over her bedroom floor, sending her into shock and panic. She immediately went into Barf Bag and Donuts room, since her parents weren't at home.

"Auntie Barf Bag," Thread said while shaking Barf Bag awake, clearly frightened.

Barf Bag eventually woke up to the 2 year old girl, "yeah Thread, what's up?" she asked, still groggy.

Since Thread hadn't puked up until that point, she didn't know how to describe what was happening to her "I spit a lot of yucky stuff out on the floor."

Barf Bag started to get out of bed, understanding that Thread had likely just gotten sick, "I'm so sorry sweetie, can I go into your room and see what happened?"

Thread nodded, and dragged Barf Bag into her room. Before she could even look at Thread's bedroom floor, Barf Bag immediately smelled the vomit, and almost threw up herself. She turned on the light to her room, and saw exactly what she suspected.

"Oh sweet girl," Barf Bag said, knowing that Thread did not feel good, "that did not look like fun."

Thread shook her head, "I don't feel well at all."

Barf Bag knelt down beside Thread, gently placing a hand on her forehead to check for fever. "You feel a little warm, sweetie," she said softly. "Let's get you cleaned up and then we'll see how you're feeling, okay?"

Thread nodded, her eyes wide with discomfort and fear. Barf Bag helped her clean up the mess on the floor before leading her to the bathroom to wash her face and rinse her mouth.

As Thread leaned over the sink, rinsing her mouth with water, Barf Bag rubbed her back soothingly. "It's okay, sweetie," she murmured. "Sometimes our stomachs just get upset, but it usually passes."

Thread sniffled, feeling miserable and scared. "Will it pass soon?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Barf Bag smiled reassuringly, though even she herself wasn't entirely sure. "We'll take care of you and make sure you feel better, okay? Let's get you back to bed and see if you can rest."

With gentle guidance, Barf Bag helped Thread back to her room and tucked her into bed, placing a trash can nearby just in case. She sat beside Thread as the little girl drifted back to sleep, her breathing slow and even.

Barf Bag stayed by Thread's side, keeping a close eye on her throughout the night, ready to offer comfort and assistance whenever she needed it. As dawn broke and the rest of Team8s began to stir awake, Barf Bag made a mental note to alert her parents about her condition.

As the morning approached, Saw and Gaty awoke from bed, Saw holding Bladey in her arms both looking exhausted.

"You two look like you had a rough night," Barf Bag said softly.

Gaty nodded, "we hardly got any sleep. Bladey was up all of last night throwing up! We almost took her to the hospital but thankfully she calmed down."

Barf Bag glanced down at Thread, who was at that point cuddled in her arms, "well, Bladey wasn't the only one getting sick last night."

Saws eyes widened, "so now we have a contagious stomach bug going around. Awesome!"

Barf Bag dreadfully groaned, "seems like it."

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