30. Expanding Out Together

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As the Team8s household settled into the new groove of things, it was a matter of time until someone brought up an inevitable question to the throuple.

"So Coiny, Pin, and Needle," Saw asked, as the team was gathered in the living room, Thread in Needle's arms, "I'm guessing that you're getting ready to move out of here soon."

The throuple looked at her confused, "moving out?" Coiny questioned, "we haven't really thought of that, have we?" Coiny turned to Pin and Needle, who were stunned by the question as he was.

"I mean, I never really considered moving out honestly," Pin said, "you guys have honestly been so supportive of us, from our unconventional relationship up until welcoming Thread into the world." Pin looked at her week old daughter and smiled.

Saw nodded, "Well, I mean, you three have your own family now, and I thought it might be time to have your own space."

Needle thought about it herself some more, "I can't imagine living without you guys if I'm being real here, you guys have been so much help, especially with thread."

"Well, who said we ever had to move away from you guys," Coiny said, "what if we continued living together."

Barf Bag was actually quite fond about the idea, "I mean, once Donut and I have our own family, with all our shifts in the hospital, it would be so nice knowing that they have an uncle and four aunts that will always be there for them when we can't be."

"I think it sounds great," Gaty interjected, a warm smile spreading across her face. "We're like a big, extended family, and having everyone under one roof has its perks. Plus, Thread, and hopefully some more future Team8ers would have a blast growing up surrounded by all of us."

Saw chimed in, "Yeah, I like that! We're probably going to need a larger space to fit us though, especially since we might have more kiddos then just Thread around here in a couple of years. It's not about leaving each other; it's about expanding."

The atmosphere in the room shifted from uncertainty to excitement. The throuple began to see the potential in this unconventional arrangement. It wasn't just about maintaining their connection with Team8s; it was about forging a unique family dynamic that embraced their differences.

Pin looked at Coiny and Needle, a gleam of hope in her eyes. "What do you guys think?"

Needle grinned, "I love the idea. It's not just about cohabiting; it's about building a home where Thread and hopefully some more future kids can grow up with a whole bunch of aunts, uncles, and cousins."

Coiny nodded, "Team8s has been our rock. Why not keep building on that foundation?."

As Coiny finished his sentence, he noticed the smiles and nods of agreement from Pin, Needle, and the rest of Team8s. It was as if a collective decision had been made without explicit words. The idea of continuing to live together and expanding their unconventional family felt right, and the air buzzed with the excitement of a shared future.

Saw, who had brought up the question initially, beamed at the unity forming within the group. "I think it's settled then. We keep this family growing together under one roof."

Gaty added, "We'll find a bigger place, one that can make sure that everyone has enough space if it ever gets too chaotic, which knowing us, I'm sure it will ."

Barf Bag spoke up, "It's not just about living together; it's about the kind of family we want to be for Thread and all the kids we might have in the future. We're creating a unique support system for each other."

With plans to search for a larger home in motion, the throuple and Team8s found themselves excitedly discussing the logistics of their expanding family. They envisioned a home with more bedrooms, a spacious living area for shared activities, and perhaps a backyard where the children could play.

In the midst of their conversation, Thread, still cradled in Needle's arms, let out a small coo, as if approving of the decision.

"Looks like someone's excited for us to have a bigger place," Needle said to Thread.

It brought a moment of laughter and warmth to the room, solidifying the shared commitment they were making.

And so, Team8s ventured into the future hand in hand, ready to find a home that defied norms but embraced the extraordinary love that bound them together. The idea of having an extended family living under one roof wasn't just a practical solution; it was a testament to their bond and the strength found in choosing the people you call family.

As they moved forward, they knew challenges would come, but with the support of each other, they knew that they could face anything that came their way. The unconventional family arrangement became a beacon of love and acceptance, proving that family is not always defined by blood but by the bonds we create and nurture.


Hello Everyone! First off, I just want to thank everyone for helping to get this book to 4K reads! I didn't think I would get this big of an audience so soon, but I'm so grateful that so many of you are enjoying this book. I need to make a quick announcement: This is going to be the last of this string of "daily chapters" I've been uploading, and you guys might not get another one for quite a bit. I know, I know, but as you can tell, this chapter is the end of the first major "part" of this book, and I need some time to figure out what the nuts and bolts of the next phase of what's to come! My goal is to have the next chapter out around February 1st, which should give me enough time to sort things out. I don't know what the upload schedule is going to be like once I do start publishing chapters again, but I don't think it will be daily (I had so much time to churn out chapters over my winter break that I was scheduling chapters to publish 2-3 days in advance!), but I also hope not to go more than 2 weeks without anything once I get back on track. Again, thank you guys so much being so engaged with this story, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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