32. Making it Through

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It had been a week since Needles knee injury, and Needle was reaching her limit on how much she could sit down. Anyone who knew Needle, which included everyone in the Team8s household, knew how much she was always on the move. From challenges to just getting stuff done, she almost was always up on her feet. Needless to say, this whole "sit down and rest" thing was not for her.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE," Needle shouted, "I've been sitting here for a week doing absolutely nothing and I'm bored out of my mind!"

Barf Bag tried to calm her down, "I know how you feel, but you need to-"

"I NEED TO REST I KNOW," Needle shouted. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it!" Needle added, huffing and crossing her arms in frustration. The rest of Team8s exchanged sympathetic glances, understanding Needle's struggle with inactivity.

Coiny, always quick to support Needle, approached her with a comforting smile. "How about we find a way to make your rest a bit more bearable? Maybe there's something you've been wanting to do but never had the time for?"

Needle thought about it for a little bit, "No, not really."

The team was stumped on what to do. Pin, who was holding Thread in her arms, noticed her getting fussy.

"Does somebody want some milk?" Pin said to her. "Here Needle, how about you feed her?"

Needle smiled, and held baby Thread in her arms. Pin prepared a bottle and brought it back to her.

As Needle fed Thread, she couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over her. The rhythmic suckling sounds of Thread filled the room, creating a soothing atmosphere. It was a simple yet profoundly comforting activity that allowed Needle to bond with her daughter.

"See, this is nice, right?" Pin said, observing the tender moment.

Needle nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, it is. Thanks, Pin."

Thread, satisfied and content in her mother's arms, let out a little sigh, her tiny hand holding onto Needle's finger. The room fell into a peaceful silence, the worries of the outside world momentarily forgotten. Needle made sure to burp her, but when she did, Thread had spat up on her.

"Really Thread," Needle said to her daughter. Thread, oblivious to the whole situation, let out a small laugh. "Aww man, you're too cute for me to be mad at you!"

Saw smiled as she watched the sweet mother and daughter interaction, "I'll go get you a rag to clean that up."

As Saw fetched a rag for Needle, Thread had fallen asleep in Needle's arms.

"She looks adorable," Gaty added, looking at the small child.

Needle smiled. "Yeah, she does," Needle replied, her earlier frustration dissipating in the presence of Thread's innocence.

Saw returned with a damp rag, handing it to Needle. "Here you go. Parenthood includes a fair share of unexpected messes, doesn't it?"

Needle chuckled, gently wiping away the tiny spit-up from Thread's onesie. "It sure does, but it's worth it."

Barf Bag had a suggestion "Maybe this is an opportunity for us to get better at some baby care skills."

The team exchanged glances, and soon enough, they found themselves engaged in a friendly discussion about baby care tips and tricks. Needle, despite her initial resistance to rest, found solace in the camaraderie of her team.
As they chatted, Thread continued to slumber peacefully in Needle's arms. The room was filled with a sense of unity and support, reminding Needle that she was not alone in this journey of motherhood.

After a while, Pin spoke up, "You know, Needle, it's okay to take a break and enjoy these moments. You're a fantastic mom, and we're all here to help out whenever you need it."

Needle nodded, appreciating the sincerity in Pin's words. "Thanks, Pin. I guess I need to learn to embrace these moments of stillness and find joy in them."

Coiny grinned, "That's the spirit! And who knows, maybe we can turn this week into a series of memorable family moments."

As the night continued, Team8s found themselves gathered in the living room, sharing stories, laughter, and bonding over the joys and challenges of life. Needle, cradling her daughter in her arms, felt a profound sense of gratitude for the family she had found within her team.
Eh, not the best chapter, but oh well, it's done now. Regardless, I hope you still enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one!

- Sunny

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