40. Thread the Teether

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As fall approaches, Team8s started to get back into a routine. Saw and Gaty we're now back at the preschool, Donut and Barf Bag we're as busy as ever at the hospital, and Coiny, Pin, and Needle helped out at the bakery. When they weren't at work, they would spend their time with Thread, or in Saw and Gaty's case, get prepared for their new arrival.

It seemed like Thread was starting to notice the changes around her as well. Despite her being only 7 months old, everyone noticed the baby start to act a little differently. Almost like she knew in just 5 short months, she wasn't going to be the only star of the show.

Needle was taking care of her that day, watching the small child play on the carpet. She had just learned to crawl, thankfully in the presence of her parents this time around. It was hard to believe that she was inside of Pin less then a year ago, and now she was discovering the world with her own tiny hands.

Although, it didn't take long for Needle to start to notice Thread getting a little fussy. She started cry more then usual, and she wasn't sure why.

"What's wrong little one," Needle asked her daughter. To the surprise of no one, she continued to cry some more.

"I just fed you, you just came from a nap, and I just changed your diaper, what else could be going on?" Needle picked up thread in her arms, and that's when she noticed something: a little white tooth at the top of her mouth.

"So that's what's been making you so fussy," Needle figured out. She went up to her room and grabbed some teething items that she had saved for this very occasion. When she brought Thread back downstairs, Needle gave her the toys.

Thread's eyes lit up as she saw the colorful teething rings and toys. She eagerly grabbed one, instinctively putting it into her mouth. The soothing effect of the teether seemed almost instant as Thread's cries turned into contented coos.

Needle smiled, watching her daughter explore the teething toys. It was another milestone in Thread's journey of growing up, and Needle couldn't help but feel a mixture of pride and a tinge of nostalgia for the baby moments that were now evolving into toddlerhood.

It wasn't long until Pin had come home from the bakery, Coiny coming in behind her. Thread immediately put down the toy she had and smiled when she saw her other parents walk in.

Pin smiled at her daughter, "did you miss mommy?" Thread looked at Pin and laughed. "That sounds like a yes to me! Looks like mama has been treating you well, huh little one?"

Needle responded, "Yep, she's been a little fussy, but I figured out it's because of this." Needle pointed to the tiny white tooth peeking through Thread's gums.

Pin's eyes widened in delight, "She's teething! That's a big step, isn't it?"

As Coiny walked in, he overheard the conversation, "Teething, huh? Good thing we had those toys. How's our little champ handling it?"

Pin chuckled, "Like a pro. She's already got her favorite."

"Sooner or later we can start making her some pastries," Needle added on.

Coiny nearly shed a tear, "I can't believe our little girl is growing up! Soon enough she's gonna be walking and talking and...oh I can't wait to see what she'll become!"

As Coiny shared his excitement, Thread, still engrossed in her teething toys, seemed to sense the positive energy in the room. Her little giggles echoed, adding a symphony of joy to the atmosphere.

Once Saw and Gaty came home from work, they immediately gathered with Thread and her parents to see what Thread had been up to when they were gone.

"She's teething," Needle said, drawing Saw and Gaty's attention to the adorable scene.

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