80. Unwanted Memories

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Warning: This chapter contains some references to BFDIA 12. If you haven't watch the episode yet, I highly recommend you do before reading ahead. 

After a week of moving back in with her family, Thread had been managing her daily life well. She had learned to make adjustments to her routine, and while there were many, many, struggles, she always found a way to persevere through them.

It was morning, and the team had made their way downstairs for breakfast. Coiny was helping Thread get adjusted at the table, Needle was preparing Dimey's food, Gaty was helping Bladey decide what she wanted for breakfast that day, and everyone else was waiting for the fantastic breakfast that Pin was cooking up.

"Alrighty everyone, what do you all want in your omelets," Pin said from the stove, as she gathered all the vegetables in the house.

The team, one by one, placed their orders with Pin, and after all their omelets were prepared, they dug into their food.

Thread was very satisfied by her mothers meal, "This is delicious mommy!" she stated, a mouth full of egg and vegetables.

Pin smiled, grateful for her daughter's satisfaction, "Well I'm glad you like it, honey!"

"You're mother is one of the best cooks there is, Thread," Barf Bag said.

"Awww, stop it," Pin remarked.

Coiny leaned over and gave Pin a peck on the check, "But it's true though, Pin."

The team continued munching away at their meal, savoring every single bite of it.

"Mommy," Thread asked Needle, "can Dimey have some of my eggs."

Needle shook her head, "Maybe soon, Thread, but I'm not sure if he's ready yet." Needle continued to feed the baby, who was being a little bit fussy about the food.

Donut chuckled at Dimey, "you might want to get to it soon, I think he's starting to get sick of the baby food!"

The table laughed at Donut's remark, as the team continued eating and chatting away.

Before long, Thread's face shifted to one of concern. Her mind was drifting back to the thought of being in a wheelchair her whole life, and she started to grow visibly frustrated.

"Are you okay, Thread?" Pin asked her.

Thread nodded, "I'm already getting sick of this stinky wheelchair," Thread looked Pin right in the eyes, "why can't they just chop my legs off instead?"

Instantly, Thread's seemingly innocent comment made Pin's heart stop. The memories came flooding back to her quickly and there was no stopping them. She could see the levers coming at her in unison, picking off each of her limbs, leaving her with just a body.

Pin sighed, looking back at her daughter, "Trust me, Thread...you don't want that."

"Why not?" Thread questioned.

Pin raised her voice at Thread, "You just don't, okay!"

The rest of the table went silent after hearing Pin raise her voice like that. The whole team gave her sharp looks in the eyes.

Pin could feel the tears start to come, but held them back, "Sorry, everyone, I...I need a moment." Pin sprinted up to her room and slammed the door behind her.

Barf Bag, who was sitting next to Needle, looked at her with concern, "is she okay?"

Needle shook her head, "I know why she snapped. I need to go and check on her." Needle started heading up the stairs.

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