66. A New Student, A Familiar Face

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Once Dimey had made it home from the birthing center, the team had been over the moon to see the first son of Team8s for the first time one person.

"He is just adorable," Saw pointed out, "I'm so happy for you guys."

"He looks just like you Needle," Donut noted.

But the most excited of all was little Thread. She had finally gotten to meet her little brother in person and couldn't be any happier.

"I love you so much Dimey," she whispered to him, as Dimey was asleep in Needle's arms.

"I know you want to play with your brother more," Gaty said, "but it's time for you to get to school sweetheart! I promise you can play with him later!"

Gaty and Saw had volunteered to take Thread to school in order to let her parents get some rest.

Saw sighed as she was driving the car, "Another day, another coloring book."

"Well, I'm actually getting a new student today," Gaty said, "apparently she had a hard time at her other preschool, so I'm prepared for anything honestly."

"Oh, that should be interesting," Saw noted.

As the two of them arrived at school, they dropped off Thread with the other kids, as Saw and Gaty made their way to the teachers lounge to gather their things for the day. The principal of the school was also in the lounge, waiting for Gaty to arrive.

"Perfect! You're here!" the principal exclaimed. "Your new student is here with her mom a little early, they want to meet you before class starts!"

"Oh, that sounds like a good plan," Gaty said . She turned to Saw and gave her a quick kiss, then followed the principal to her office. However, once she stepped inside, she did not expect who she was about to see.


"Gaty?" Book said, "it's been forever, hasn't it."

Gaty was in disbelief. Book has moved out of Goiky years ago, why is she suddenly back? Book wasn't really on social media, so she hasn't really known what she was up to in years.

"Bu- ho- why? Why are you here again?" Gaty asked.

Book sighed, "Taggy and I moved away after the show ended. However...the people who lived there had watched the show...and...let's just say they didn't like me very much."

Gaty sighed. As much as she wasn't...the most fond of Book, she didn't deserve that kind of treatment. After all, she was trying to change.

That aside, Gaty wasn't as concerned about her, "so...you have a little one joining us?"

Book nodded, "Bookmark? Sweetie? Where are you?" Just then, a little girl poked her head out behind Book.

"Why hello there, I'm Ms. Pickets," Gaty said, trying to introduce herself to the child, "how are you doing."

Immediately, she went and hid back behind Book, fear in her eyes.

Gaty smiled, "she's a bit shy it seems like?"

Book nodded, "she...doesn't really talk much. You see, people weren't just mad at me...parents were telling their kids about me and..." Book held back her tears "kids ended up taking their parents' anger for me out on her."

Gaty's heart went out to little Bookmark, seeing the fear and hesitation in her eyes. She knew firsthand how cruel children could be, especially when influenced by their parents' prejudices.

"Well, Bookmark, it's okay to feel shy," Gaty said gently, crouching down to Bookmark's level. "I promise you're safe here. We're all friends, and we're going to have lots of fun together."

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