64. Doing it Her Way

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It was a lovely winter morning, and Coiny had just woken up from a good nights sleep. It was still pretty early, so he didn't think anyone else was up, however, he noticed that Pin and Needle were no longer in the bed with him.

Guess they're already up, Coiny thought to himself, as he headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I didn't take him long to realize that the aroma of breakfast didn't fill up the house, which almost never happened.

Concerned, he looked around the house to try and find Pin and Needle. Eventually, he found the two of them on the couch, snuggled up next to each other.

"Good Morning gu-"

"SHHHHH!" Pin interrupted him. "She's been having some contractions last night," she whispered, gesturing to Needle, who was leaning against her, "she's finally getting some sleep."

Coinys eyes widened in surprise, "do you think we're gonna be heading to the birthing center today?"

Pin shrugged, "they've been happening every 10-20 minutes, and I spent the night coaching her through all of them. I can't say for sure."

Coiny nodded, and went to Needle and snuggled on the other side of her. The three of them sat like this for around 5 minutes, until Needle eventually woke up from another contraction.

"Mmmmm," Needle said, as she was still waking up from the contraction.

Pin and Coiny immediately leaned in closer, offering their support and comfort as Needle stirred from her sleep.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Coiny asked softly.

Needle blinked slowly, her gaze shifting between Coiny and Pin as she tried to orient herself.

"I'm okay," she murmured, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "Just another contraction."

Pin reached out to gently rub Needle's back, her touch soothing. "You're doing great, Needle. Just breathe through it, like we practiced."

As the contraction began to subside, Needle let out a long sigh of relief, sinking back against the cushions with a tired smile. "Thanks, guys," she whispered.

It wasn't long before Thread woke up and came running down the stairs to say good morning to her parents.

"Good morning mommys and daddy!" Needle's exhaustion was momentarily forgotten as she greeted her daughter with a warm smile.

"Morning sweet girl!" she said, as she gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Did you sleep well?"

Thread happily nodded, "yes I did!"

"That's lovely to hear," Pin said, wishing that her sleep went as well as her daughters.

Another contraction quickly approached Needle, as she went and clutched her stomach, Coiny and Pin trying to support her.

"Is mommy okay," Thread asked, aware that her mother was experiencing some discomfort.

"She's okay, sweetie," Pin reassured Thread, her voice calm despite the concern evident in her eyes. "Mommy's just feeling a little uncomfortable right now, but she'll be alright."

Thread nodded, accepting Pin's explanation with a small smile. She knew that her parents would always take care of her, no matter what.

As Needle breathed through the contraction with Coiny and Pin's support, Thread stood by their side, offering silent but unwavering encouragement.

Once the contraction had passed, Needle leaned back against the couch, her breathing slowly returning to normal. She reached out to Thread, pulling her into a gentle hug.

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