13. A Happy Thanksgiving

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It was thanksgiving day, and all the members of Team8s were excited to finally sit down and have a meal together. It had been a while since they all sat down for dinner with everyones work schedules, so needless to say they were all excited to really spend some quality time together.

"Oooo, is that the sweet potato casserole I'm smelling?" Coiny asked.

"It sure is," Barf Bag said. She had a special recipe that she used for the last few years, and needless to say no one was ever disappointed by it.

Meanwhile, Saw was helping decorate the table.

"Is that a new tablecloth," Gaty asked.

"Yeah, I got it at the thrift store the other day!"

"Well, I love it!" Gaty then proceeded to give Saw a kiss on the cheek, which she loved.

Needle and Pin were in charge of the desserts, which consisted of an apple pie, a pumpkin pie, and a fun thanksgiving themed 2 layer Vanilla cake!

Coiny and Gaty helped out with most of the other foods, including green beans, stuffing, and some bread rolls.

And finally l, Donut was in charge of the heart of dinner: the turkey.

The kitchen was quite busy for most of the afternoon, but it was worth it when dinner rolled around, and everyone got to enjoy all of the yummy food.

"Barfy, you did it again, this casserole tastes amazing!" Donut exclaimed.

"Well, I'm glad my recipe still holds up," Barf Bag said.

"Where did you even get it from anyway?" Pin asked.

"It was actually one of my patients, sweet old lady actually, we got drifted away in a conversation about foods and she wrote the recipe down, needless to say it was a good one!"

The group continued to chow away at dinner, when Needle decided to say something to the group.

"Hey, we should all go around and say one thing we're grateful for, I know it's cheesy, but why not!"

"I'm with you Needle," said Coiny, "I'll start by saying I'm really grateful for my now fiancées for sticking with this relationship, I know it's been tough, but I'm so glad you two have been along for the ride."

The table "awwed" at them while Needle and Pin gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well I'm grateful for this amazing dinner you guys helped make," Pin said.

Next to go was Needle, "I'm grateful for the bakery, I'd say this has been our best year yet!"

"Well," Barf Bag said, "I'm grateful for not only getting engaged this year, but also getting engaged to my best friend since BFB started." Donut blushed before receiving a kiss by Barf Bag.

"I'm grateful that Barf Bag was able to bring up marriage before I was, cause BOY I was not ready to propose," Donut said. Everyone at the table had a good laugh at that one.

Saw was next. "I'm grateful for all my preschoolers for bringing me so much joy into my life!"

Last was Gaty. "I'm grateful that I have a girlfriend that is always able to make the tough moments at work just a little easier." Saw smiled at Gaty.

"Speaking of engagements, does anyone have any wedding plans yet," Gaty asked.

"Well, we finally found a venue that was willing to take a polyamorous relationship," Coiny said.

"Sounds like it wasn't easy," Donut said.

"Anything but," Needle said.

"And we think the wedding is going to be sometime in late spring!" Pin exclaimed.

The entire table grew excited to hear how soon the wedding might be!

"Although we will need some help with all the logistics," Pin said.

"And we're all excited to help out!" Saw said.

The focus then started to

"Gee, you guys are way ahead of us, we've only just started to look at venues!" Barf Bag said.

"Well, we're always happy to help plan," Pin said, "it's not easy, but I find it rewarding."

"We could definitely use the helping hand" Donut said.

As Gaty continued to listen to all the chit-chat about the weddings, it made her think of the possibility of her and Saw getting married. It's definitely been on her mind, but she knew both Saw and her were not ready for that conversation. Well, not just yet at least.

Regardless, she was excited to help out with her friends weddings, and maybe it would make the topic just a bit easier for her to broach with Saw in the future. As the night unfolded with laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of friendship, Gaty felt a sense of comfort knowing that when the time came, her friends would be there to support her as much as she supported them.

After dinner was finished, Pin and Needle brought out the desserts.

"You guys really out did yourselves this time," Saw said.

"Thanks," Needle said with a smile, "it took all day but it payed off."

"Let's stop looking and the food and eat already!" Coiny said.

"Alright, Coiny," Pin said, "looks like someone could be a bit more patient.

As the team dug into the desserts, they were blown away by the flavors of the pies and cakes.

"Well, what can I say," Barf Bag said, "great as always!"

As the team ate away at their desserts, they thought about the bright futures that lay ahead of them, and were more than excited to continue their journey as a team.
Yeah, I know Thanksgiving was a couple days ago, but oh well, it's still cute. It's been a while since I've had a chapter focused on all of them instead of just one couple. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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