61. The Gym Flutters

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As Needle approached 5 months of her pregnancy, her morning sickness died down tremendously, and was feeling good enough to get back into exercise. And everyone in the Team8s household knew what that meant. 

"Mama's hittin the gym everyone!" she said enthusiastically.

Pin looked at Needle with concern, "Needle, please, be careful though."

"Trust me Pin, I'll be fine," Needle responded.

"We're serious," Coiny said sternly, "I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Needle smiled reassuringly at her partners, understanding his concern. "I promise to take it easy and listen to my body," she said, placing a hand on her growing belly. "I just want to stay healthy and active for the baby."

Pin nodded, still feeling a bit uneasy but trusting Needle to take care of herself. "Alright, just promise me you won't overdo it."

"I promise," Needle replied, giving Pin and Coiny a quick kiss before heading off to the gym.

"How the hell is she going to the gym," Pin said, "when I was 5 months with Thread, I was getting emotional over comedies for crying out loud."

Coiny shrugged, "she's a different breed then us, Pin. Always had been, always will be."

Pin chuckled, shaking her head in amazement. "That she is, Coiny. That she is."

Meanwhile, Needle arrived at the gym, feeling a surge of energy and determination. She started with some light cardio on the elliptical machine, enjoying the tredmill and the feeling of her muscles working.

As she exercised, Needle couldn't help but marvel at the changes her body was undergoing during pregnancy. She felt a deep sense of gratitude for the ability to carry new life within her, and she was determined to stay strong and healthy for the sake of her baby.

As she kept on running, Needle felt a little flutter in her stomach. She kept on running, not thinking too much of it, but then, she felt it again.

Needle stopped her workout, and got of the treadmill and sat down on a chair. As she sat there, she felt the flutters get again.

Needle turned to her baby bump, a smile growing on her face, "is that you little one?" she said, putting a hand on her stomach.

As Needle sat there, feeling those gentle flutters, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. It was the first time she had felt her baby move, and it filled her with an indescribable sense of joy and wonder.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she placed both hands on her belly, feeling the tiny kicks and wiggles from within. "You're so active already," she whispered, her voice filled with love and awe.

In that moment, Needle felt an even deeper connection to the life growing inside her. She was filled with a sense of purpose and determination, knowing that she would do anything to protect and nurture her unborn son.

As Needle finished up her workout and headed home, a huge smile grew on her face, and she couldn't wait to tell Coiny and Pin the news.

Needle instantly burst open the door, Coiny and Pin in the kitchen. The two looked up at Needle, who had seemingly had a good workout.

"I take it the gym went well!" Coiny said, happy that Needle was doing good.

Needle nodded enthusiastically, unable to contain her excitement. "More than just well!" she exclaimed, placing a hand on her belly. "I felt the baby move for the first time!"

Coiny and Pin's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "Really?!" Pin exclaimed, rushing over to embrace Needle. "That's incredible!"

Coiny joined in the hug, his face lighting up with joy. "I can't believe it! Our little one is already making his presence known."

Needle beamed with happiness, feeling overwhelmed with love for her partners and their growing family. "It was such an amazing feeling," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "I can't wait for you both to feel him too."

After letting go of the hug, Needle rushed upstairs to email her midwife that the baby had finally loved. Barf Bag had noticed her rushing up the stairs and knew she had to stop her.

"What's all the excitement about, Needle?" Barf Bag said, assuming that something had happened at the gym.

Needle turned to Barf Bag, her face beaming with joy. "I felt the baby move for the first time!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

Barf Bag's eyes widened in astonishment. "No way! That's incredible news!" she exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face. "How does it feel?"

Needle's expression softened with warmth as she placed a hand on her belly. "It's indescribable, Barf Bag," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "It's like tiny flutters and kicks, but it's so comforting and reassuring. I feel like I've finally connected with our little one in a whole new way."

Barf Bag was glad that Needle was feeling that connection, "I'm assuming you're going to tell your midwife."

Needle nodded, "sure am! It was getting to be a little late in this pregnancy to have not felt movements. She was getting worried, so this is very good news!"

Barf Bag smiled, "I'm so glad everything is going according to plan! Remember, I'm here if you need anything!"

Needle was always grateful to have a doctor in the house, "I appreciate it Barf Bag!"

As she headed in her room and shut the door, Needle felt a huge sense of relief as she typed out that email, still feeling the movements of the baby.

She took her hand and placed it on her bump, "I can't wait for you to meet everyone! You're gonna have an awesome family!"


I like this chapter, I think it's pretty wholesome (like most of this book is lol). Anyway, I had a feeling BFDIA 11 would come out last night, and it did! As someone who defended Pin back in TPOT 2 for saying BFDIA sucked, I consider this a massive win, even if she didn't have the most pleasant experience this episode, poor girl didn't deserve it :(. 

Also, on a completely unrelated note, I noticed that when I look at the demographics of this book, it says that like half of my audience is from outside the U.S! I didn't believe it initially if I'm being honest, but after reading some of your comments on the last chapter, dang, I really do have people from all around the world reading this book, and I'm really glad my book was able to make it to your screens! If you're all up to it, I wanna know where you guys are all from (see if those demographics are actually accurate!)

Anyway, that's enough rambling from me, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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