34. Thread Catches a Cold

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Barf Bag had woken up from a night's slumber. She got up from bed and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. When she did, she noticed Needle, looking rather tired, with Thread in her arms.

"Is everything alright Needle?" Barf Bag asked with concern.

"I've been up since 3 am with her," Needle responded, "she's been coughing all night, it seems like she's getting sick."

"Oh no," Barf Bag said, worried for the sick baby, "does she have a stuffy nose?"

"It seems like it," Needle said. "I want to try and get it out but I don't know what to do!"

"Have you tried suctioning it," Barf Bag asked.

"I'm too nervous too, I don't want to hurt her," Needle said in fear.

Barf Bag nodded understandingly. "I get it, Needle. It can be a bit intimidating, but it might help her breathe better. Let me show you how to do it."

Barf Bag guided Needle to the nursery and fetched a nasal aspirator. She explained the process carefully, demonstrating the gentle suctioning technique. Needle, though still hesitant, decided to give it a try under Barf Bag's guidance.

With a soft touch, Needle suctioned the excess mucus from Thread's nose. Thread squirmed a bit, but overall, it seemed to provide her with some relief. As Barf Bag assisted Needle, they worked together to ensure Thread's comfort.
After the suctioning, Needle cradled Thread, who seemed to breathe a bit easier. "Thanks, Barf Bag. You're a lifesaver."

Barf Bag smiled warmly. "Of course, Needle. I didn't become a doctor for nothing!"

As the rest of the team woke up one by one, they all were worried for Thread, especially Coiny and Pin. This was the first time she had gotten sick and didn't want her to get worse.

"It seems like there's something going around," Gaty said, "we've had a good number of kids out this week."

"Same here," Saw said, "the classroom feels like more of a war zone when you hear all the coughs and stuffy noses."

Coiny placed a comforting hand on Pin's shoulder as they exchanged concerned glances. "I hope it's just a passing bug, and Thread will recover soon."

Gaty nodded. "Let's make sure she's comfortable. I'll set up a humidifier in her room to help with the congestion."

The Team8s rallied together to create a cozy environment for Thread. Gaty worked on setting up the humidifier, Saw fetched extra blankets, and Coiny prepared a warm bottle to soothe Thread.

As the day unfolded, Thread's cold symptoms persisted. Despite the Team8s' efforts to comfort her, she remained restless. Needle, especially, was visibly anxious, her concern for Thread evident in her tired eyes.

Barf Bag took a moment to reassure Needle. "It's common for little ones to catch colds. The important thing is that we're taking care of her. If her symptoms worsen, we can take her to the hospital."

Needle nodded appreciatively, her gratitude evident. "Thank you, Barf Bag. I just want her to feel better soon."

"I think you should get some rest now Needle," Barf Bag suggested, "you look exhausted, the rest of us can take over from here. We don't want you to catch a cold too!"

Needle agreed, "thanks so much, I'll be in my room if you guys need me!"

Barf Bag watched as Needle left the nursery to get some much-needed rest. The rest of the Team8s took over the caregiving duties for Thread, ensuring she was comfortable and well-attended. Gaty continued adjusting the humidifier settings, Pin softly sang a lullaby, and Coiny rocked Thread gently in his arms.

As the day progressed, the team rotated in shifts to keep an eye on Thread, hoping for signs of improvement. Barf Bag, with her medical background, monitored Thread's temperature and overall condition, providing updates to the concerned team members.

In the late afternoon, Thread's fever spiked, causing additional worry among the Team8s. Barf Bag advised that they should keep a close eye on her and consider seeking medical attention if her symptoms persisted or worsened.

The team gathered in the living room, concern etched on their faces. Needle reappeared, having rested for a few hours, and immediately joined the discussion. Gaty spoke up, her voice filled with determination, "We need to make a decision. If Thread's condition doesn't improve, we should take her to the hospital."

Saw nodded in agreement, "It's better to be safe, especially with a baby. We don't want to take any chances."

Coiny, holding Thread in his arms, added, "Let's give it a bit more time. If she doesn't get better soon, we'll take her to the hospital."

Barf Bag supported the decision, "That sounds reasonable. Keep monitoring her closely, and if there's any sign of distress, don't hesitate to take serious action."

As the evening approached, Thread's condition seemed to stabilize. Her fever reduced slightly, and she appeared to be more at ease. The Team8s continued their care for the baby, taking turns to ensure Thread received the care she needed.

Late into the night, Thread finally drifted into a peaceful sleep, allowing the Team8s to breathe a collective sigh of relief. Coiny, Pin, and Needle, their anxiety easing, thanked the team for their support. Barf Bag reassured them, "It's all part of being a team. We're here for each other."

The next morning, Thread woke up with a brighter demeanor. Her fever had subsided, and she seemed more energetic. The Team8s shared smiles of relief, knowing that their collective efforts had contributed to Thread's recovery.

"There's the Thread I know," Pin said, seeing her daughter in a much better state.

As the day unfolded, the team continued to keep a close eye on Thread, ensuring she fully bounced back from her bout with the cold. The nursery was filled with laughter and playfulness once again, marking the return to a sense of normalcy for the Team8s.
Baby Thread! I love her so much, and I hope you guys do too! I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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