42. It'll All be Okay

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Once Saw came home from the hospital, she was told to rest as much as she could, and needed to take some time off of work as well, which she was not happy about, but knew it was for the safety of her and the baby. Gaty, being the overprotective wife she was, didn't want Saw to move an inch.

"It was scary Saw," Gaty said to her, as they were up in their room, Saw laying in bed, "I'm worried for you and baby."

Saw nodded in agreement, "we really have to make sure my blood pressure doesn't spike like that again."

After the whole ordeal, it was figured out that Saw had had preeclampsia, which is a serious pregnancy complication. The doctors explained to Saw and Gaty that preeclampsia can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby if left untreated, and it often requires close monitoring and medical intervention.

Upon hearing the diagnosis, Saw felt a wave of concern wash over her, but she was also relieved to have a clear explanation for what had happened. She knew that with proper care and attention, she and her baby could still have a healthy pregnancy.

Gaty, however, was overcome with worry. She couldn't shake the fear that something might go wrong again, and she was determined to do everything in her power to protect Saw and their unborn child.

"We're gonna get through this Gaty," Saw said, "for our little one."

Gaty smiled, then headed downstairs, where she was greeted by the rest of the team.

"Is Saw doing okay," Donut asked.

Gaty managed to put on a faint smile, "she's doing better now. It was a scare, but she's resting, and that's what matters most right now."

Barf Bag was quick to notice that Gaty wasn't acting like her normal self. "It's okay to be worried Gaty, let me know if you guys need anything."

Gaty started to cry, tears flowing down her cheeks. She always tried to put on a brave face for Saw, but she couldn't keep her composure anymore.

"I'm just so scared, Barf Bag," Gaty admitted, her voice trembling with emotion. "I can't bear the thought of anything happening to Saw or our baby."

Barf Bag wrapped her arms around Gaty, offering comfort and support. "I understand, Gaty. But you're not alone in this. We're all here for you and Saw, every step of the way. Together, we'll get through this."

Gaty started to calm down a little, "now I get why she kept the pregnancy a secret from me when I was in Costa Rica, she knew damn well I wouldn't be able to function knowing that she was navigating through this pregnancy without me."

Pin nodded in understanding. "Saw wanted to protect you from unnecessary worry while you were away. But now that you're here, you can support each other through this."

Barf Bag continued to provide reassurance from a medical standpoint, "I can always help you monitor her blood pressure here at home if it makes you feel any better.

Gaty nodded, appreciating Barf Bag's offer. "Thank you, Barf Bag. That would actually help ease my mind a lot."

"I have a little device in my room," Barf Bag replied, "I can show you how to use it." Barf Bag had seen lots of spouses around the hospital just like Gaty, worried for their pregnant partners.

Gaty smiled gratefully at Barf Bag's offer. "That would be amazing. Thank you so much."

With Barf Bag's guidance, Gaty learned how to use the blood pressure monitoring device and felt a sense of relief knowing that she could keep a close watch on Saw's health from the comfort of their own home.

In the days that followed, Gaty became proficient at monitoring Saw's blood pressure, and with each reading that fell within the normal range, her anxiety eased little by little. They also frequently needed to be monitored by Saw's doctor to make sure everything else was still in check.

As they settled into this new routine, Saw and Gaty leaned on each other for support more than ever before. Gaty's worries gradually lessened as she saw Saw's strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Saw, in turn, found comfort in Gaty's unwavering love and dedication.

One day, as Saw and Gaty made their way home from another routine appointment, they walked side by side, the warmth of the sun on their faces a stark contrast to the worries that had clouded their minds just days before.

"You're doing so well, Saw," Gaty said, her voice filled with admiration. "I'm proud of you."

Saw smiled, squeezing Gaty's hand gently. "I couldn't do it without you by my side, Gaty. You've been my rock through all of this."

As they approached their front door, Saw paused, turning to Gaty with a gleam of excitement in her eyes. "I can't wait to meet our little one," she said, her voice filled with anticipation.

Gaty's heart swelled with love as she looked at Saw, knowing that soon their lives would be forever changed for the better. "Me too, Saw," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "Me too."

With renewed hope and determination, Saw and Gaty stepped through the door, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together, they could overcome anything. And as they awaited the arrival of their precious baby, they took comfort in the knowledge that they had each other, and their Team8s family, to lean on every step of the way.


Hello friends! Just wanted to pop on here and thank you all again for taking the time to read this story! I read every single one of your comments, and each one puts a smile on my face! I hope you guys will continue to enjoy what's in store! See you all in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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