54. How is it Possible?

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After a week of taking it easy, Needle still hadn't been feeling well since the race. The rest of the team was trying their best to comfort her.

"I don't know what's going on," Needle said, "I've never been sick for this long before, and nothing I've done really has had me escape from this."

Gaty looked at her with concern, "well, it's not like you've gotten worse, maybe you should ride this out another day or two."

Needle shook her head, "it's actually starting to become torcherous! Once I start to feel a little better, bam! It just comes right back."

Barf Bag went into doctor mode, "it doesn't hurt to see your doctor, Needle. Better to be safe than sorry. I can't really tell myself what this could be, you should definitely get some tests done."

Donut nodded, "I agree with Barfy, you really should get checked out."

Needle shook her head, "but it's not like I have a fever or anything, I just feel kinda achy and nauseous. The last thing I want to do is deal with the doctors office."

Saw was worried for her friend, "but Needle, it could be more serious than you think! It's better just to get checked out now! Who knows, you could be fine, and even hearing that will make all of us feel better!"

Coiny and Pin glanced over at Needle, thinking seeing a doctor might not be a bad idea.

"I know how tough you are, Needle," Coiny said, "but we really need you to see someone. If not for you, then do it for us."

Pin agreed, "we love you Needle! We want to know what's up with you so we can help you better."

Despite Needle really not wanting to go to the doctor, she reluctantly agreed, "At this point I'll do anything to get out of this state."

Coiny and Pin were willing to take her, asking the rest of the team to keep an eye on Thread. They escorted Needle into the car, and headed on their way. Coiny called the doctor to make sure they had a spot open, and thankfully, there was a cancellation so it was easy to see her.

Needle groaned in the back of the car, annoyed that she was wasting a perfectly good afternoon.

"Sorry Needle," Pin said, "but we love you too much! We want to make sure you're okay."

As they arrived at the doctor's office, Needle couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension gnawing at her. She hated the idea of being poked at by the doctor, but she knew deep down that it was the right thing to do.

As the checked in, the doctor told Needle to go to the bathroom in a cup so the doctors could do a  urine test, which Needle was not fond of.

Coiny glanced at Needle, who didn't look happy, "they're just trying to rule anything out Needle."

Needle reluctantly went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, leaving Coiny and Pin alone. The two glanced at each other, both thinking the same thing.

"Is it me, or has Needle been a lot more moody then usual?" Pin said.

Coiny nodded, "I've noticed it too. One minute she's the Needle I love, the next she's whining at me. I've never seen her like this before!"

Pin didn't want to jump to any conclusions, "I don't want to judge her too much. Whatever she had might be affecting her emotionally too."

As Needle returned from the bathroom, she took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Pin and Coiny offered her encouraging smiles as they waited for her appointment.

The doctor finally called Needle in, and she reluctantly followed, her anxiety mounting with each step. Needle braced herself for the worst as the doctor asked her questions.

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