48. A Day at the Beach

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With the weekend finally here, the members of Team8s were eager to take advantage of the beautiful weather. Pin suggested a trip to the beach, and everyone enthusiastically agreed it was a fantastic idea.

As they gathered their beach towels, sunscreen, and snacks, the excitement in the air was palpable. Saw and Gaty carefully packed a beach bag for Bladey, making sure they had everything they needed for their little one's first trip to the seaside.

Once everything was ready, they piled into Pin's car and set off for the beach. The drive was filled with laughter and anticipation as they sang along to their favorite songs on the radio.

When they arrived at the beach, they were greeted by the sight of shimmering blue waves and golden sand stretching out before them. Saw and Gaty set up a cozy spot for Bladey under the shade of an umbrella, while the others spread out their towels and beach chairs nearby.

"Isn't this perfect?" Needle exclaimed.

Pin nodded in agreement, a wide grin on her face. "Absolutely! I've been looking forward to this all week."

Thread was her usually bubbly self, excited to have some fun in the sand.

"Not so fast Thread," Pin said, "sorry if I'm ruining the fun, but we have to get our sunscreen on first!"

Thread pouted for a moment, but then giggled as Pin squirted a dollop of sunscreen into her hand and began applying it to Thread's arms and face. "There you go, all set!" Pin declared with a smile. Thread stumbled around in the sand, still learning how to balance in the unsteady terrain. She seemed frustrated when she would fall down after taking a few steps.

Pin smiled gently at her daughter, "sand can be a bit tricky to walk on, cant it?"

Thread grunted, disappointed that she couldn't
master the skill as quickly as she had hoped. But Pin reassured her with words of encouragement, reminding Thread that it was okay to take her time and keep trying.

"Remember, sweetie, every step you take is progress," Pin said, her voice soft and reassuring. "You'll get the hang of it eventually. Just keep practicing, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it."

Thread nodded, determination flickering in her eyes as she steadied herself and took another cautious step forward. With each attempt, she grew more confident, her giggles returning as she stumbled and wobbled in the soft sand.

Meanwhile, Coiny and Donut had challenged eachother to a game of beach volleyball, their competitive spirits shining as they dove and spiked the ball back and forth. The rest of the team cheered them on, their laughter mingling with the sound of the crashing waves.

As the game intensified, Needle and Barf Bag decided to join in, forming a team against Donut and Coiny,adding to the friendly rivalry.

"How about this," Needle said, "whichever team looses this game has to go into the ocean. I'm hearing it's pretty chilly in there!"

Coiny was eager to see Needle so determined, "well if that's the case, let's do it!"

The four of them started to play, the competition getting more and more intense with each point scored. Saw and Gaty, content to watch from the sidelines with Bladey, smiled as they soaked in the joyous atmosphere.

"Who do you think is going to win, Bladey?" Saw asked her newborn daughter, who was cradled in her arms.

Bladey cooed in response, her innocent eyes wide with wonder as she gazed at the players on the beach. Saw chuckled softly, interpreting her daughter's babbling as a sign of excitement.

As the game progressed, the teams were evenly matched, with Needle and Barf Bag's team scoring point for point against Coiny and Donut. The sun beat down on them, adding to the intensity of the match as they dove and lunged for the ball, their determination unwavering.

Finally, after a heated rally, Needle and Barf Bag's team emerged victorious, their shouts of triumph echoing across the beach. Coiny and Donut grinned, conceding defeat with good-natured laughter as they prepared themselves for the chilly plunge into the ocean.

Before they went in to the ocean, Coiny went over to little Thread

"You ready to see daddy go into the ocean," he asked his daughter. Thread giggled, seemingly excited to watch Coiny take the plunge.

Coiny and Donut approached the water's edge, bracing themselves for the shock of the cold ocean water. All the girls chuckled mischievously from their beach setup as they watched them, teasing them about their impending dip.

With a mix of apprehension and excitement, Coiny and Donut took the plunge into the ocean, their bodies enveloped by the refreshing chill of the water. They emerged with playful shouts and exaggerated shivers, their laughter ringing out across the beach.

"Who's next?" Coiny called out, his teeth chattering from the cold as he waded back to shore.

But before anyone else could volunteer, Thread toddled over to the water's edge, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. She reached out a tiny hand, giggling as the foamy waves lapped at her fingers.

Seeing her daughter's fearless curiosity, Pin smiled proudly, her heart swelling with love. "Looks like Thread wants to join you, Coiny!"

Coiny chuckled, extending his arms to scoop up his daughter, careful to keep her safe from the chilly water. Thread squealed with delight, kicking her feet as she splashed in the shallow waves, her laughter blending with the sound of the surf.

As the day progressed, little Bladey decided that she had enough of the beach and started to get fussy.

"Is it time for a nap," Gaty asked Bladey, looking down at her in Saws arms. Bladey let out another cry, indicating that it was time to go home.

"I think it's time to start packing up," Saw suggested.

As Bladey's fussiness signaled the end of their beach adventure, the team began to gather their belongings and pack up their beach setup. Saw carefully folded the towels while Gaty collected the toys and snacks, ensuring nothing was left behind. Pin gathered Thread, who was still giggling with delight from her ocean experience, and began to wipe the sand off her little feet.

As they loaded everything back into Pin's car, the team exchanged fond memories of their day at the beach, laughing about the volleyball game and teasing Coiny and Donut about their chilly dip in the ocean. Bladey, nestled snugly in Saw's arms, seemed to have enjoyed her first seaside outing despite her fussiness towards the end.

With the car packed and Bladey settled in her car seat, they bid farewell to the beach, promising to return again soon for another adventure. As they drove back home, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the landscape as if bidding them goodbye.

Back at home, they unpacked their belongings and settled Bladey down for a well-deserved nap. With smiles on their faces and hearts full of cherished memories, they reflected on their day at the beach, grateful for the time they spent together.


I really like this chapter, it's funny but also quite wholesome at the same time! I hope you all we're able to enjoy this one, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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