35. Going Away?

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"Hey Saw, we need to talk." Gaty had come into their room, wanting to share something quite important.

"Yeah sure...should I be worried."

"I hope you won't be," Gaty remarked

"Okay now you're scaring me," Saw acknowledged.

Gaty didn't want that to be the intention, "it's nothing negative I promise you that."

Saw took a minute to respond, "okay, then what is it?"

Gaty took a deep breath, "you know how I've wanted to teach at a higher level for a bit now?"

Saw nooded, "yeah, you always have talked about teaching elementary for a while."

Gaty smiled, "well, I applied for a summer internship for teaching English as a second language, and, well, I got it!"

Saw was in shock, "GATY! Why didn't you tell me you ever applied, that's huge!"

Gaty sighed, "I was just about to get into that."

"Now you're scaring me again," Saw murmured.

Gaty looked her wife right in the eyes, "it's a twelve week program, with 6 weeks of training and 6 weeks of teaching. I get to work with students of different ages and I'm really excited about it, there's just one catch..."

Saw tinted her head, "and what is that?"

Gaty took one last breath, before dropping the huge bombshell, "it's in Costa Rica."

Saws jaw dropped, "COSTA RICA! That's like, a days worth a plane rides to get their from where we are."

Gaty nodded, and looked down, "that's why I didn't want to tell you sooner, Saw. I knew it would be a lot to take in."

Saw sat down on the bed, processing the information. "Costa Rica... that's so far away. What about the team? What about us?"

Gaty sat beside Saw, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "I've been thinking about this a lot, Saw. It's a great opportunity for professional growth, and it's something I've wanted for a while. The program aligns perfectly with my goals as an educator."

Saw started to cry, "...when I got out in TPOT... felt so lost, I didn't know what to do without you. And...I don't want to go through that again."

Gaty understood her concerns, "but this is different! You have the rest of Team8s with you, and plus, we can talk whenever you need!"

Saw wiped away her tears, looking into Gaty's eyes. "I love you, Gaty, and I want you to pursue your dreams. But it's just hard, you know? The idea of being apart for so long again..."

Gaty embraced Saw, leaning against her. "I know it won't be easy, but I believe in us. We can make it work. This is a temporary separation for something meaningful. We'll find ways to stay connected and support each other."

Saw nodded, her emotions still raw. "I need time to process this, Gaty. It's a lot to take in."

Gaty kissed Saw on the forehead. "Take all the time you need. I'm here for you, and we'll face this journey together. It's not goodbye; it's just a 'see you later.'"

As Saw grappled with the news, Gaty gave her some space. It wasn't long before Saw couldn't hold back her tears, which Coiny heard as he was walking through the halls. He stoped in his tracks as her saw his friend in distress.

"Is something up Saw," Coiny asked, wanted to help Saw.

Saw didn't hesitate and got straight to the point, "Gaty wants to do a summer teaching program in Costa Rica for twelve weeks!"

"Oh," was all Coiny could mutter, as he offered a comforting pat on Saw's back. "That's a big change, Saw. But if it's something Gaty is passionate about, maybe it's worth considering. Have you talked to her about how you feel?"

Saw nodded, wiping away a fresh set of tears. "Yeah, she's excited, and I want to support her dreams, but it's just tough, you know? We've been through a lot together, and I'm scared of being apart for so long."

Coiny understood the complexity of the situation. "It's completely natural to feel that way. Change is never easy, especially when it involves separation. But, Saw, you and Gaty have a strong bond. If anyone can navigate through this, it's the two of you."

Saw sighed, looking down at her hands. "I just don't want to go back to that place of feeling lost without her. And I don't want her to miss out on this opportunity either."

Coiny understood what she was going through, "When I got out in TPOT, I felt lost without Pin and Needle. But, at the end of the day, Pin ended up growing with me away, and I got to focus more on myself!"

Saw took a deep breath. "I love Gaty, and I want her to be happy and successful. I just need to figure out how we can navigate this without losing what we have."

Coiny patted her back. "You've got a strong support system here, Saw. Team8s is like a family, and we'll be with you every step of the way."


3 Months Later

"Make sure you get everything out of the trunk, Gaty!"

The team had just parked at the airport, ready to say their goodbyes to their friend.

As Gaty entered the airport, Saw stood by her side. The entire team accompanied them, providing a comforting presence. Gaty hugged each member of Team8s, whispering words of encouragement and promises to stay connected.

"Take good care of Saw for me," she said to them, all of whom agreed to make sure her wife felt loved.

When it was time for Saw and Gaty to say their goodbyes, Saw held Gaty tightly, not wanting to let go. Gaty reassured her once more, "It's not goodbye, Saw. It's just a 'see you later.' We'll make this work, and we'll come back stronger."

As Gaty made her way into the airport security, Saw watched with a mix of emotions. The Team8s stood together, a united front, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. Little did they know, this separation would test their bonds but also reveal the resilience of their friendship and love.


We have officially made it to the Sawty portion of this book! Well, now Gaty's gone...but still, lots of Saw and Gaty action to come in these upcoming chapters! What will happen when Gaty's away? You guys don't know but I do hehehe! See you all in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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