31. Needle Takes a Tumble

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It had been two months since Team8s had moved into their new place, and they were very grateful for the change in scenery. They had settled on a spacious, 3 story house that had 7 bedrooms, not far from the grasslands, and which also had a decent sized backyard. They were enjoying the expansion and were excited for the many future memories they would make under the new roof.

One afternoon, the adults were watching some TV on the couch. It didn't take long before they heard that Thread had woken up from her nap.

"I'll go get her," Needle volunteered. She headed upstairs to where the nursery was, and scooped up Thread from her crib.

"Did you have a good nap Thread," Needle said to her. Thread smiled a little at her, which always made Needle light up. "That sounds like a yes to me!"

Needle carried Thread out of her room and headed downstairs. However, as she was walking down the stairs, she felt one of her feet slip from underneath her.

It wasn't long before she fell onto her back, Thread still in her arms. She started to slide down the stairs, until eventually, as she got to the bottom of the steps, she rammed her foot into the stars to stop herself from sliding. She eventually was able to stop herself, which made a noise that could be heard across the house.

Once the rest of Team8s heard the loud thud, they immediately rushed to the scene. Pin scooped up a crying Thread, and tried to calm her down.

"Shhh, it's okay Thread," Pin said soothingly, "mommy just had a little tumble."

Needle was at the bottom of the stars, holding her ankle, trying to hold back tears from how much she was hurting.

"Needle, what happened!" Coiny said worried.

"I don't know, I just slipped and tried to stop myself and I think I hurt my ankle!" Needle exclaimed.

"Can you walk on it?" Saw asked with concern.

Needle used her arms to push herself up from the stairs. However, when she tried putting weight on it, she winced in pain and immediately sat back down. "It's not looking like it."

Donut offered Needle a helping hand, "here, let's get you to the couch." Needle grabbed his hand and used Donut as a support as she hobbled on over to the couch.

Gaty went and grabbed some ice and brought it over to Needle on the couch, which she appreciated.

Barf Bag started to go into Dr. Gutterson mode to try and see how Needle's ankle was hurt.

"Is it okay if I touch your foot a little bit to see if I can try to find the problem," Barf Bag asked.

Needle nodded, and Barf Bag started squeezing around different parts of her foot. Eventually, once Barf Bag started feeling the back of her fibula bone, Needle winced as a wave of pain hit her.

"OW THAT HURTS," Needle screamed.

"Okay, I'll stop then," Barf Bag said.

The rest of the team, who had watched Barf Bag examine her, expressed concern.

"Do you think it's broken?" Pin asked.

"Unfortunately, from what I can tell, it seems like a fracture to me," Barf Bag said. "I would recommend going to the emergency room to get it x-rayed."

"Me and Pin will go with you Needle," Coiny remarked, "can you guys do us a favor and watch Thread for us while we're gone."

"Of course Coiny," Donut said, "here, I can hold her Pin."

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