67. Dimey Causes a Fight

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As the days passed, life settled into a rhythm for Team8s. Baby Dimey continued to grow and thrive under the loving care of his parents and siblings, bringing joy and laughter to their home.

However, as any parents would attest, caring for a newborn also came with its fair share of challenges. One particularly challenging night, Dimey's persistent crying grated on Pin, Coiny, and Needle's nerves, fraying their patience and causing tension to simmer beneath the surface.

Pin paced the floor of Dimey's nursery, her arms aching from cradling him for what felt like hours. "Why won't he stop crying?" she muttered, frustration etched in her voice.

Coiny rubbed his temples wearily, exhaustion evident in every line of his face. "I don't know, Pin," he sighed. "We've tried everything to soothe him, but nothing seems to work."

Their voices were hushed, mindful of not waking up the rest of the household. But despite their efforts to keep their frustration in check, the strain of sleep deprivation weighed heavily on them all.

As the minutes stretched into hours, tension simmered between the throuple, each silently blaming each other for their predicament. It was a small spark that ignited into a heated argument, fueled by exhaustion and frayed nerves.

"You're not doing enough to help," Needle accused, her voice sharp with resentment.

Coiny's jaw tightened, his patience wearing thin. "I'm trying my best, Needle," he snapped back. "It's not like I was the one who wanted another baby in the first place"

"Then maybe you guys should have been more careful," Pin snapped at them.

"Says the one who got pregnant weeks before our wedding," Needle scoffed.

The words hung heavy in the air, each one a painful reminder of their past mistakes and the strain it had put on their relationship. As the argument escalated, Dimey's cries seemed to grow louder, echoing through the room like a harsh symphony of discontent.

Eventually, they heard a soft knock on the door, which abruptly ended the fighting, although Dimeys cries continued to persist.

"Mommy, Mommy, Dadddy?" Thread questioned, "I can't sleep, you woke me up."

"We're sorry Thread," Pin said through the door, "we're just trying to put Dimey to sleep."

"Oh, okay," Thread said, as she headed back to her room.

"Look what you guys did!" Coiny whispered, "you woke up Thread!"

"Well I wasn't the one who started it," Pin fought back.

"But you were the one who raised your voice first," Needle said.

"Now don't be ridiculous, Needle you raised YOUR voice first, NEEDY" Pin said, her voice nearing a scream.

That did it.

Needle slapped Pin, who still had a crying Dimey in her arm, "so now you're just trying to piss me off!"

Pin staggered back, stunned by Needle's sudden outburst. Dimey's cries intensified, his tiny form trembling in Pin's arms as she struggled to regain her balance.

"Needle, what the hell?" Coiny exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

Needle's face flushed with anger, her chest heaving with pent-up frustration. "I'm sick of this!" she shouted, her voice cracking with emotion. "I'm sick of the fighting, I'm sick of the blame game, I'm sick of everything!"

Pin's hand flew to her cheek, the sting of Needle's slap still reverberating through her. Tears welled up in her eyes, a mixture of pain and betrayal clouding her vision.

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