26. Just Days Away

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As Pin's due date approached, the hotel room buzzed with excitement and preparations. The Team8s were eagerly counting down the days until the arrival of Pin, Coiny, and Needle's baby. However, as the anticipation grew, Pin started experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions.

One evening, as the team gathered for a cozy dinner, Pin winced slightly and placed a hand on her belly. The room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to her.

"Pin, are you okay?" Gaty asked, concern evident in her voice.

Pin took a deep breath, trying to ease the discomfort. "I think it's just Braxton Hicks contractions. They're like practice contractions, right?" she said, looking at Barf Bag for reassurance.

She nodded, as Coiny placed his hand Pin's back. "Yeah, they're common. It's the body's way of preparing for the real thing. But if it gets too intense or frequent, you should call your doctor."

Needle chimed in, "Maybe you should lie down, Pin. We can handle things here."

Pin agreed, and with the support of Coiny and Needle, she made her way to the bed. The rest of the team exchanged glances, a mixture of excitement and concern on their faces.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Saw asked, genuinely wanting to support their friend.

Barf Bag smiled appreciatively. "Just keeping her company would be great. And maybe, someone can grab a warm compress. It might help."

Gaty nodded, "I'll get that. Donut, could you make some herbal tea? It might help with relaxation."

Donut enthusiastically got up to prepare the tea, leaving the room bustling with activity. Barf Bag and Saw checked in on Pin, Coiny and Needle, offering words of encouragement. Meanwhile, Gaty returned with a warm compress and placed it gently on Pin's forehead.

As the team worked together to create a soothing atmosphere, Needle couldn't help but feel a sense of unity and care. Despite the initial challenges she faced in connecting with the baby, moments like these reminded her of the love that surrounded their growing family.

Pin, now more comfortable with the support of her friends, smiled. "Thanks, everyone. I think it's easing up a bit."

Coiny had a suggestion for Needle, "I think we should finish packing up the hospital bags."

Needle agreed, "It looks like she's gonna be here any day now!"

The evening continued with a relaxed atmosphere, filled with comforting gestures and laughter. The Braxton Hicks contractions served as a reminder that the baby's arrival was imminent, and Team8s were ready to welcome the newest member with open arms.

As the night unfolded, the hotel room echoed with the sounds of friendship, warmth, and the shared anticipation of the beautiful journey that lay ahead for Team8s.

The team rallied together, getting hospital bags ready and making sure everything was in order for the anticipated arrival. As they worked, laughter and shared stories filled the room, creating a positive and supportive atmosphere.

Pin was thankful for the rest of the team for helping her through all of this. "I think I'm gonna head to the shower, thanks for your help guys! I don't know what we'd do without you!"

After expressing her gratitude, Pin headed to the shower, leaving the team to continue their preparations. As the warm water cascaded over her, she couldn't help but reflect on the journey that led her to this moment. The support of her friends, the love she shared with Coiny and Needle, and the imminent arrival of their baby filled her with a mix of emotions.

Back in the hotel room, the team worked diligently, folding tiny clothes, organizing baby essentials, and double-checking the contents of the hospital bags. Saw was carefully folding onesies with a smile on their face, while Donut brewed herbal tea in the background, the aromatic fragrance filling the room.

Gaty, always practical, started going through the checklist for the hospital bags. "Diapers, check. Baby clothes, check. Toiletries, check. We've got everything covered, right?"

Barf Bag, in her meticulous manner, cross-checked the list. "Seems like it. Now we just need to wait for the big day."

Coiny and Needle joined in, holding hands as they sat on the bed. Needle, who had been quiet during the initial moments, now seemed more at ease, her earlier concerns replaced with a growing excitement.

"Can you believe we're just days away from meeting our little one?" Coiny said, his eyes reflecting a mix of joy and anticipation.

Needle nodded, a radiant smile spreading across her face. "It's surreal, but I can't wait to hold her. Thank you all for helping us get ready."

Saw, who had finished folding the onesies, approached them. "It's our pleasure, Needle. We're pretty much one big family, after all."

As the evening progressed, the team found moments of quiet amidst their preparations. Gaty, sitting on the couch, looked around the room with a sense of fulfillment. "We've come a long way, haven't we? From competing in challenges to weddings and now preparing for the arrival of a new life!"

Barf Bag joined her, a nostalgic twinkle in her eye. "When I joined this team I never thought we'd still be a team all these years latter, but I'm so glad I am!"

The team shared a moment of reflection, realizing that their bonds had deepened over time, transcending the challenges they faced together. In that room, filled with laughter, warmth, and the soft scent of herbal tea, they felt the weight of the impending joy that would soon fill their lives.

As Pin emerged from the shower, refreshed and ready for the next phase, the team gathered around her with smiles and reassurances. The Braxton Hicks contractions had subsided, but the excitement lingered in the air. The baby's arrival was drawing near, and the Team8s were united, eagerly awaiting the newest member of their extraordinary family.


AAAAAAAAAAAAA it's almost baby time! I'm just as excited as you all are! See you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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