53. Cookies for Mommy

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The day after Needle won the Goiky half marathon, despite being proud of her accomplishment, her body did not appreciate such a run after taking so much time off. She ended up feeling like crap after that race, her body feeling weak, and she couldn't even get out of bed.

"Well, that was a terrible idea," Needle said weakly, as Pin and Coiny looked at her with concern.

Pin and Coiny exchanged worried glances as they hovered over Needle, their expressions filled with concern.

"Maybe you pushed yourself too hard, Needle," Pin said gently, her hand reaching out to stroke Needle's forehead. "Winning the race was amazing, but your health comes first."

"Yeah, you don't have to prove anything to anyone," Coiny added, his voice laced with worry. "We're just glad you're okay."

Needle smiled, "well, hey, at least I did it now, right?"

"And you won't be trying that again as long as you're married to us," Pin added on, as she gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Needle chuckled weakly, appreciating the humor despite her discomfort, "I guess it's time to put those days behind me now."

Thread then walked into their room, concerned for her mother. "Is mommy sick," she asked innocently.

Coiny nodded at her, "she hasn't been feeling well since the big race she did yesterday, maybe we should go leave her be for now."

Thread was upset to see her mom in this state, but knew it was best to leave her be. The three of them exited the room, and went into the kitchen.

"What can we do to make mommy feel better?" Thread mumbled to Pin and Coiny.

That's when Pin thought of an idea, "how about daddy and I help you make some cookies, and we can give them to mommy?"

Coiny liked that idea, "I agree with mommy, Thread. After all, mommy is one of the best cookie makers there is," he said, nudging Pin, making her blush.

'Let's do it then!" Thread exclaimed.

With newfound enthusiasm, Pin, Coiny, and Thread set to work in the kitchen, gathering ingredients and mixing dough for a batch of Needle's favorite cookies. As they worked together, laughter filled the air, easing the tension that had lingered since Needle's race.

Thread eagerly helped with each step, her small hands carefully measuring ingredients and shaping the dough into perfect little rounds.

Saw walked through the kitchen with Bladey in her arms, as she noticed the cookie making scene in the kitchen, "you guys are making cookies?"

Thread nodded, "there for mommy to help her feel better!"

Saw thought it was adorable what Thread was doing, "I'm sure she'll love them!"

"Bladey could be my taste tester," Thread suggested.

Saw shook her head, "she's a little young to be eating cookies, but I can be your test tester if you don't mind!"

Thread liked the idea, "I'll let you know when they are done auntie Saw!"

As the cookies baked in the oven, filling the house with their irresistible aroma, Needle began to stir from her rest in the bedroom. Feeling a bit better, she slowly made her way to the kitchen, drawn by the sound of laughter and the smell of something delicious.

When she entered the kitchen, Needle's heart swelled with warmth at the sight before her. Pin, Coiny, Thread, and Saw were all gathered around the kitchen island, covered in flour and smiles as they worked together to bake her favorite cookies.

"Hey there, sleepyhead," Pin said with a gentle smile, making her way over to Needle and wrapping her in a comforting embrace. "How are you feeling?"

Needle smiled weakly, feeling grateful for her loving family. "Better, now that I'm with you all," she replied, her voice still hoarse from exhaustion.

Saw handed Needle a glass of water, her eyes filled with concern. "You really had us worried there, Needle. We're just glad you're okay."

Needle nodded, feeling overwhelmed by the love and support surrounding her. "I'm sorry for scaring you all," she said softly. "I guess I got a bit carried away with the race."

Coiny stepped forward, a plate of freshly baked cookies in hand. "Well, these should help cheer you up," he said with a grin, offering her a cookie.

Needle's eyes lit up with delight as she took a bite of the warm, gooey treat. "These are amazing," she exclaimed, savoring the familiar taste of home.

Thread beamed with pride at her mother's reaction. "I helped make them, mommy!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Needle wrapped an arm around Thread, pulling her close. "You did an amazing job, sweetheart," she said, pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead.

As they sat together, enjoying the simple pleasure of cookies and each other's company, Needle felt a sense of gratitude wash over her. Despite the challenges she faced, she knew that with her Team8s family by her side, she could overcome anything that came her way. And as she savored the moment, surrounded by love and warmth, she knew that she was truly blessed.


What a wholesome chapter! A short one, but a wholesome one! Although don't get used to the short chapters, the next one is nearly double the length! Also, keep up the pace with the reading guys! At this rate, I think I'm going to have to get those drawings ready! Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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