55. How to Tell Thread

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The next morning, after the news of Needle's pregnancy continued to sink in, the throuple then faced another dilemma: how were they going to tell Thread about the baby?

"How should we tell her," Pin asked, "she's still so young and might not understand exactly what's going on. I want to make sure she knows why mommy hasn't been feeling well.

Coiny nodded in agreement, "We need to find a way to explain it to her in a way that she'll understand without overwhelming her."

Saw chimed in, "Maybe we could start by talking to her about what it means to have a baby, like using Bladey as an example. We could use simple language and make it a fun and exciting conversation."

Gaty nodded, "And we should reassure her that no matter what changes come with the new baby, she'll still be loved and cared for just as much as ever."

With a plan set in place, Pin called Thread to tell her the big news.

"Thread, my love, where are you," Pin shouted across the house.

"I'm in my room, mommy," Thread shouted back.

"Can you come down," Coiny asked, "we have something special we want to tell you!"

Excitedly, Thread bounded down the stairs, her eyes wide with anticipation. She entered the living room, where Pin, Coiny, Saw, Gaty, Barf Bag, and Donut were waiting for her.

"What is it?" Thread asked, her curiosity piqued.

Pin smiled warmly, beckoning Thread to come closer. "Well, sweetheart, you know how mommy hasn't been feeling well lately?"

Thread nodded, her brow furrowing with concern. "Yeah, mommy. Are you okay?"

Pin nodded, "Yes, sweetie, mommy's going to be okay. In fact, there's a very special reason why mommy hasn't been feeling well."

Coiny kneeled down to Thread's level, his eyes filled with excitement. "You see, Thread, mommy's not just feeling sick. She's feeling sick because..." He paused for dramatic effect.

"Why?" Thread asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Because mommy has a baby growing inside her!" Saw exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.

Thread's eyes widened with wonder, "A baby? Like Bladey?"

Pin nodded, "Yes, sweetheart, just like Bladey! Mommy's going to have a baby, and you're going to be a big sister!"

Thread's face broke into a wide grin, her excitement palpable. "Really? I'm going to be a big sister?"

"Yes, sweetie," Gaty said, ruffling Thread's hair affectionately. "You're going to be the best big sister ever!"

Thread's grin widened even further, her heart filled with joy at the thought of becoming a big sister. "I can't wait to meet the baby! Will I meet it tomorrow?"

Donut laughed and shook his head, "it's gonna be a little longer than that Thread."

"How about, in 7 months," Barf Bag added.

"That's a long time," Thread said, sounding disappointed.

Pin smiled, "the baby will be here before you know it, Thread, trust me."

Thread was seemingly satisfied with that response, "Can I go see mommy?"

Coiny nodded, "of course you can sweetie."

Pin and Coiny escorted Thread up to their room, to find Needle lying down in bed, still not feeling well.

Thread, concerned for her mother, crawled up into bed with her and gave her snuggles.

"Why hello sweetheart," Needle said, giving Thread a kiss .

"Mommy and daddy told me why you are sick," Thread said.

"What did they say," Needle asked, curious what Thread's response would be.

"There's a baby in your tummy that's making you sick!"

Needle smiled, turning to Coiny and Pin, who must have done a good job explaining to her what was going on, "that's right! You're going to be a big sister!"

Threads face then grew to anger, anger for the baby growing inside of Needle, "that baby must be mean!"

The throuple then laughed at Threads innocent understanding of Neeedles pregnancy.

"We need to teach the baby how to be nice when it gets out," Thread demanded.

Needle smiled at her, "Thread, I promise. We're gonna teach the baby how to be nice once it gets out of my tummy, sound good?"

Thread nodded in satisfaction, "that sounds good mommy!"

Needle hugged Thread tightly, overwhelmed with love for her precious daughter. "Thank you, sweetheart," she said softly, pressing a kiss to Thread's forehead. "I'm so lucky to have you as my big helper."

Thread beamed with pride, her anger forgotten as she snuggled close to her mother. "I love you, mommy," she said, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

"I love you too, sweetheart," Needle replied, her heart overflowing with gratitude for the beautiful family she had.

As Pin and Coiny watched from the doorway, their hearts swelled with love and pride for their amazing daughter and the growing family they had created together. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, they knew that with Thread's boundless love and enthusiasm, they would face them head-on, as a loving and supportive Team8s family.


Yeah that's right, bonus chapter today! You guys are getting one tomorrow to, then we'll be back to the bi daily uploads. This one is not one of my personal favorites, but eh, whatever, I decided to be nice and not make you wait another day for this. Anyways, regardless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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