52. The Goiky Half Marathon

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*Beep Beep Beep*

Needle's eyes popped open as she reluctantly shut off her 4:30 am alarm. Today was the day of the big race, and Needle could not have felt more emotions at once.

She got ready at home, then drove her car to the starting point of the race. Once she arrived, she checked in with the race organizers and joined the throngs of participants milling about, their excitement palpable in the crisp morning air. The sky was just beginning to lighten with the promise of a new day as Needle stretched and warmed up, her heart racing with anticipation.

As the starting time drew near, Needle found herself surrounded by a sea of runners, each one with their own story, their own reasons for being there. Some were seasoned athletes, their muscles honed through years of training. Others were newcomers, eager to test their limits and prove themselves on the course.

With a final glance at the crowd, Needle took her place among the runners, her pulse quickening with a mix of nerves and excitement. The announcer's voice boomed over the speakers, counting down the final seconds before the race began.

"Three... two... one... Go!"

And with that, the runners surged forward, their footsteps echoing against the pavement as they embarked on the 13.1-mile journey that lay ahead. Needle fell into a steady rhythm, her mind focused and her determination unwavering.

Meanwhile, back at the Team8s house, the rest of the team was getting ready to meet Needle at the halfway point of the race.

"Let's get moving people," Pin said, "we don't want to miss Needle as she passes by!"

Saw nodded, quickly gathering the supplies they would need to cheer Needle on. "Water bottles, snacks, and posters," she listed, ticking off each item on her mental checklist.

Gaty grabbed a stack of colorful posters and markers, ready to create some motivational signs for Needle. "We've got to show her some love and support!"

With their preparations complete, Team8s piled into the car and set off for the halfway point of the race.

As they arrived at the designated spot, they joined the other spectators lining the route, their cheers echoing in the air as they waited for Needle to appear. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, the air filled with a sense of camaraderie and excitement.

And then, in the distance, they spotted her.

"Look, there she comes!" Barf Bag said, showing the others where she was

Needle continued to push herself forward with determination and grit, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. As Needle approached the halfway point, Team8s erupted into cheers, waving their posters and shouting words of encouragement.

'GO MOMMY!" Thread shouted,

Needle's face lit up with a bright smile as she spotted her friends and family, their unwavering support giving her the strength to push through the remaining miles.

Needle went back into focus soon after, her eyes on the prize. However, before she went out of view of everyone else, she felt a wave of nausea hit her. Without hesitation, she went to the side of the race course and puked. Immediately afterwards, she got her edge back and kept going.

"It's okay Needle, keep pushing!" Coiny shouted.

Gaty looked baffled, "aren't we gonna go help her?"

Pin shook her head, "nah, that's just Needle, trust me she's fine. Let's go get some food before we meet her at the finish!"

The team had gone out and got snacks to munch on, enjoying the outdoors while doing so.

"What did you think of the race, Bladey?" Saw said to her now 3 month old daughter.

Bladey just responded with her little coos, not really interested in the half marathon

"Adorable," Gaty said, "you'll understand when you get older."

As the day went on, Needle kept fighting to stay in the race. One by one, she started to actually pass some people.

"I might actually have a shot at this," Needle thought to herself, as she kept up her pace.

As the end of the race approached, the rest of Team8s made their way to the finish line, ready to cheer on their friend. Eventually, they began to see all the racers in the distance.

"Guys, is that Needle?" Saw asked, looking in the distance.

Pin looked out harder, and then she realized she was actually among the first group of racers, "oh my pin factory it is!"

Coiny immediately started cheering for her, "GO GET EM NEEDLE!"

As Needle approached the final stretch of the race, her legs burning with exertion, she could hear the distant cheers of her friends and family growing louder with each step. The finish line loomed ahead like a beacon of hope, fueling her determination to push through the pain and exhaustion.

With every ounce of strength she had left, Needle sprinted towards the finish line, her heart pounding in her chest. The crowd erupted into cheers as she was the first to cross the line, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she collapsed into the waiting arms of her teammates.

"Oh my sewing store I actually did it," Needle thought to herself, too tired to even speak by that point.

"NEEDLE YOU WON," Pin shouted, as she went to hug and kiss her wife.

Coiny joined in soon after, showering her with love, "you killed it out there."

The rest of Team8s continued to shower her with congratulations.

"We knew you could do it, Needle," Donut said to her.

"YAY MOMMY!" Thread shouted, as she went into Needle's arms as she hugged her.

As Needle basked in the warmth of her teammates' embrace, a wave of euphoria washed over her. She had done it. Against all odds, she had won the Goiky Half Marathon, accomplishing a feat she had once only dreamed of.

Tears of joy streamed down Needle's cheeks as she looked around at the faces of her loved ones, their pride and admiration shining brightly in their eyes. In that moment, surrounded by the people who meant the most to her, Needle felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love.

"Thank you, everyone," Needle managed to whisper, her voice choked with emotion. "I couldn't have done it without you."

As the celebration continued, Needle reveled in the joy of her victory, knowing that this moment would stay with her forever. And as she looked towards the future, she felt a renewed sense of confidence and determination, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.


Hello peeps! Guess what, we just hit 9K reads! We have less then 1K reads to go for you guys to get designs for Thread and Bladey, so if I we're you I would keep reading! The next few chapters coming up are definitely some of the ones I'm more proud of, so I hope you stick around to find out what's in store! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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