57. Why Her?

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As Donut was going through yet another day at the reception desk, checking patients in and dealing with medical records, he needed to go use the bathroom. He stepped away from the desk, and used the opportunity to stretch his legs as he headed over to the restroom.

Unfortunately, once he got there, the door was locked. He waited for a little bit, hoping whoever was in there could finish up soon, but 5 minutes went by and they still didn't come out. Donut started to get frustrated, but kept his composure.

Eventually, he was about to knock on the door, but that was when he started hearing the sounds of muffled cries. It didn't take him long, however, to realize that those weren't just any cries.

"Barfy?" he whispered to the door, "are you in there?"

The cries stopped, then he got a response back, "Donut? Is that you?"

Donut was concerned for Barf Bag, "is everything okay in there?"

Then, the cries came back for a few seconds. Eventually, Barf Bag opened the door, clearly looking distressed.

"Donut, can you come in here please?" she asked, practically whispering.

Donut nodded and went into the bathroom with his wife, who was pretty unstable by that point. Barf Bag gave Donut a hug, and cried into his arms. Donut wrapped his arms around her in response, and rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. He felt her heart beating at a million beats per minute, and knew that something had happened.

Eventually, once Barf Bag calmed down enough, she removed herself from Donut's arms and took some deep breaths.

"Is everything okay, Barfy?" he asked, concern filling his voice.

Barf Bag shook her head, "remember the little girl that I was taking care of in room seven?"

Donut nodded, knowing exactly who she was talking about, "you mean the one who got that bad case of the flu? Yeah, I remember you talking about her just last night!"

Barf Bag took another deep breath, "...her...her heart stopped a few minutes ago...we couldn't get her back."

Donut's heart sank at the news. He knew how much Barf Bag cared for her patients, especially the children. Seeing her so distraught only added to his own sense of helplessness.

"I'm so sorry, Barfy," Donut said softly, wrapping his arms around her once again. "That must have been incredibly difficult for you."

Barf Bag nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just can't believe it... she was doing so well yesterday..."

Donut held her close, offering her what little comfort he could. "Sometimes these things happen, even when we do everything we can to help. You did everything you could for her, Barfy."

Barf Bag leaned into Donut's embrace, finding solace in his presence. "I just wish there was more I could have done..."

Donut shook his head, brushing a tear from Barf Bag's cheek. "You're an amazing doctor, Barfy. You give your all to your patients every single day, and you've saved so many lives. You can't blame yourself for this."

Barf Bag sniffled, her shoulders shaking with emotion. "I just... I feel so helpless..."

Ever since Barf Bag went rogue during the zombie apocalypse, she could never wipe that guilt away. She hurt so many people and caused so much chaos, even though it was out of her control. After that, she knew that she always wanted to help people however she could, which inspired her to become a doctor.

Donut tightened his grip around her, offering her silent support. He knew that sometimes, there were no words that could ease the pain of losing a patient, especially a young one. All he could do was be there for Barf Bag and help her through this difficult time.

Bar Bag eventually found the strength to speak again, "I can only imagine what her family is going through. She was their baby! I couldn't imagine losing Thread or Bladey. They may not be our own children, Donut, but they sometimes feel like they are."

Donut nodded in understanding, his heart heavy with empathy for both Barf Bag and the family of the little girl she had lost. "I know, Barfy. It's heartbreaking to see someone so young taken from their loved ones."

Barf Bag wiped away her tears, her expression filled with sorrow. "I just wish there was something more we could have done..."

Donut sighed, his thoughts drifting to the limitations of medicine and the unpredictable nature of life. "Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we can't change the outcome. All we can do is offer comfort and support to those who are suffering."

Barf Bag nodded, her gaze distant as she wrestled with her feelings of guilt and helplessness. "I just hope her family knows that we did everything we could for her..."

Donut squeezed Barf Bag's hand reassuringly, offering her a small smile. "They'll know, Barfy. And they'll be grateful for the care and compassion you showed their daughter."

As they stood together in the bathroom, Donut and Barf Bag found solace in each other's presence, drawing strength from their shared love and support. Despite the challenges they faced and the losses they endured, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could find the courage to keep going, one day at a time.


Fun fact, I actually almost scrapped this chapter entirely, but I thought you guys deserved some more Barf Bag and Donut content. This chapter was written right after TPOT 10 came out, and you bet I was using every DonutBag crumb in that episode to the nth degree. 

Also, we are at the home stretch for reads guys! Less then 250 away from the drawings! I'm working on them as I speak, so let's hit that 10K! Get excited for the next chapter, cause lets say...I think it gives this book something it was missing! See you then!

- Sunny

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