2. It's Exactly as it Looks

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Pin, Coiny, and Needle had been together for about 6 months now, and they knew that their unconventional relationship could raise some eyebrows. Recently, they've noticed the rest of Team8s giving them looks when they started to do some seemingly flirtatious gestures with each other. The three of them knew that they were going to have to bring this up to the rest of the group, they just didn't know when or how to do it.

"So guys," Coiny said, looking hesitant, "do you know when we're gonna tell them about this?"

"I'm thinking soon," Pin responded. "If I'm being honest, when we all slept in my bed together the other night, I think Saw might have seen us snuggling, although my memory was a little foggy, as I had just woken up."

"Do we just tell all of them at once, or do you think we should tell them one at a time," Needle asked.

Pin addressed the concern, "well I was thinking that-"

"I KNEW IT!" Saw screamed, from outside their door.

"Shit," Coiny said, under his breath.


"I'm sorry I just got excited," Saw exclaimed.

Pin, Coiny, and Needle exited their room, and sat the team down in the living room to finally confirm what they were suspecting all along.

"Well guys," Pin said, before taking a deep breath ,"It's true," she said, holding both Coiny and Needle's hands. "We're in a relationship with each other."

Even though it was what they had thought all along, the team still looked a little surprised but didn't seem to have any problem with it. But after the surprised looks came the "awwwws" from various members of the team.

"That's amazing you guys," Donut remarked, "you all make a great couple."

"Thanks," Needle said. The trio seemed to be more at ease now that their secret was out.

"So...how did you guys know you all wanted to be together," Barf Bag asked out of curiosity.

"If I'm being honest," Coiny said, "It kinda just...happened. The three of us have been friends for a long time now, and after we started to hang out more...we realized we felt like there was something more between us. Pin was the first one to bring up the possible romantic feelings, and Needle and I realized we felt the same way. And so, we decided to give being in a poly relationship a try, and so far, it's been amazing for the three of us."

The team smiled at the throuple, who seemed to be in an amazing relationship with each other.

"However, Gaty was still struggling to wrap her head around it. "But, how does that even work? Don't you get jealous?"

Pin, Coiny, and Needle exchanged a look, knowing that jealousy was a common concern when it came to polyamorous relationships.

"Of course, we get jealous sometimes," Coiny said. "But we communicate with each other and work through it. It's all about trust and honesty."

Barf Bag nodded in agreement. "It's not for everyone, but if it works for them, who are we to judge?"

Donut added, "As long as everyone involved is happy and consenting, that's what matters."

Gaty seemed to accept their explanation and didn't bring it up again. The group continued to hang out and enjoy each other's company, knowing that their relationships may be unconventional, but they were happy and fulfilled.

Pin, Coiny, and Needle were grateful to have friends who were accepting of their relationship, and they knew that not everyone would be so understanding. But for them, being in a polyamorous relationship was the right choice, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

As night time approached, the group all sat down and played a game of uno with each other. For the first time, the throuple was able to hold hands and nuzzle each other without having to keep it a secret from their friends. Instead of getting their weird looks, they got smiles, which boosted their confidence tremendously.

When it was time to go to bed, Pin, Coiny, and Needle all snuggled up on Pins bed.

"I couldn't have imagined that going any better," Needle said.

"I'm really glad that everyone's so supportive of us," Coiny siad.

The three of them continued to snuggle up with each other, slowly falling asleep into a deep slumber. 


I'm so glad I made these three poly, probably one of my favorite things I have written. Granted, were only two chapters in, and there's so much more I can't wait to write about, so yeah, see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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