8. Whispers and Stares

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Team8s continued to support each other through all of life's ups and downs. However, one day, Pin, Coiny, and Needle went out to town together when they noticed people staring and whispering as they walked by.

It wasn't uncommon for them to attract attention because of their unconventional relationship, but this felt different. The stares and whispers seemed more judgmental and harsh than usual.

Pin, Coiny, and Needle would usually just brush it off, and continue on with their evening.

But this particular night, for whatever reason, it started to creep up on them. Usually, they would hear people whisper, but they didn't know what they were saying. However, the three of them, who were just holding hands and walking, saw a lady physically cover her children's eyeballs. She stared at them and shook her head. They tried to brush it off, as per usual, but then, The negativity started to wear on them, and they began to doubt themselves and their relationship.

As they got back to the hotel room, the throuple tried to hold back their tears. However, the rest of Team8s, who were watching TV, noticed that something was off with them. Coiny, Pin, and Needle, went into their room and slammed the door behind them, startling the rest of the team.

"I wonder what could have happened," Barf Bag said to them, "they clearly look upset."
"I agree," Gaty added, "should we go talk to them or..."

"I'd say we should wait it out," Donut remarked.

"How about we just give them another half hour," Saw said, "If they don't come out by then, maybe we should check on them" The rest of the team agreed with her, and they continued to watch TV.

A half hour came and went, and there was no sign of the throuple coming out of their room anytime soon. So, the team went and approached their room. Saw went and knocked on the door.

"What," she heard Pin say bitterly.

"Hey, do you mind if we come in," Saw asked politely. There was a moment of silence, but then Needle responded.

"Fine, but make it snappy." The rest of the team looked at eachother with confusion, they never act like this.

"Whatever happened to them must be awful," Barf bag whispered, before opening the door.

"What do you want," Coiny said, looking irritated.

"We just wanted to see how you all were doing," Donut said.

"Yeah," Gaty added, "you guys seemed a bit down when you came back from your walk."

The trio looked at eachother, their looks of anger turning into looks of sadness. Coiny eventually spoke up.

"Yeah...there is something wrong, is it okay if we vent a little to you guys?"

"Of course," Saw said, as the team gathered around their room.

Pin, Coiny, and Needle felt vulnerable and exposed, but they knew that they could trust their team to support them.

As they spoke, they felt their emotions pouring out of them. They talked about how much the judgment hurt and how it made them question everything they had built together.

Team8s listened intently and offered words of comfort and understanding. They reminded Pin, Coiny, and Needle that their love was beautiful and valid, no matter what anyone else thought.

"Look, you guys aren't the only ones getting judged here," Gaty said, "Saw and I have had our fair share of hate too. The other night, someone actually threatened to call the police on us."

"Oh my gosh," Needle said shockingly, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry guys," Saw said reassuringly, "they didn't actually, but damn was it scary."

"And while it was scary, it didn't get in the way of our love for each other," Gaty said. "If anything, they're just jealous that they don't have the same bond with someone that you guys do." Coiny, Pin, and Needle started to feel a little bit better.

"Donut and I will never face the same discrimination you guys do," Barf Bag said, "but from what I see, I don't think I know three people who are as close as you guys.

"I second that," Donut said. "And if anything happens to you guys, just know that all of us will be there for you.

Pin, Coiny, and Needle felt the weight of the judgment lift off their shoulders. They realized that they weren't alone and that their Team8s would always have their backs.

In the end, they hugged each other tightly, grateful for the love and support that surrounded them. They knew that they had the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle, as long as they had each other.
Quick chapter, I know, but it's better then nothing. Not much else to say, see you next time!

- Sunny

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