76. A Family Swim

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With Threads rehab continuing to improve, Dr. Type was slowly starting to add some different treatments to Threads rehab. One of those treatments was hydrotherapy.

This involved getting Thread into a pool, and the goal was to try to improve her strength, flexibility, and overall mobility in a low-impact environment. Thread had been doing well in her last few hydrotherapy sessions, and loved the freedom that the water gave her.

Barf Bag happened to be close with the hydrotherapist Thread was working with, Dr. Plume, since they were both in med school together. Dr. Plume agreed that one day, they would take Thread out of the hospital and into a bigger pool, so that Thread could swim with her family!

That day finally arrived, and the Team8s crew could not have been more excited to spend time with Thread. This was the first time that the entire household could actually be with Thread at once, since usually, she was only allowed a few visitors at a time.

Pin, Coiny, Needle, Saw, Gaty, Donut, and Barf Bag gathered around Thread's wheelchair, their expressions a mix of excitement and anticipation. They had spent the morning gathering towels, swimsuits, and other essentials for the pool session, making sure everything was ready for Thread's big day.

Once they arrived at the pool, everyone applied sunscreen to themselves and their kids, while also blowing up floaties for Bladey and Dimey. Meanwhile, Thread had already arrived with Dr. Plume from the hospital, and was getting ready to get into the water herself.

Needle held Dimey in her arms as she headed out to the pool, "ready to go swimming with your big sister?" Needle asked the 3 month old in excitement. This was going to be Dimeys first time in a pool, so she hoped he would be able to enjoy it.

As Needle carefully secured Dimey in his infant float, she couldn't help but feel a surge of joy at the prospect of introducing him to the wonders of swimming. With his chubby cheeks and bright eyes, Dimey seemed just as excited as his older sister, his tiny hands reaching out to touch the water in anticipation.

With the baby happily settled, the team set off for the aquatic center where Thread's special hydrotherapy session was scheduled to take place. As they arrived, they were greeted by Dr. Plume, the hydrotherapist who had been working closely with Thread.

Barf Bag smiled at seeing her long time colleague, "what's up Plume," she said, shaking her hand.

Dr. Plume smiled back, "well, well, well...if it isn't good ol Dr. Gutt."

Pin tilted her head in confusion, "Dr. Gutt? Since when did you get that nickname?"

Barf Bag smiled, "it's what they call me...trying to stay nice and cool as I'm getting older." Barf Bag let out a small chuckle.

Dr. Plume laughed, nodding in understanding. "Well, you're definitely succeeding at that," she remarked, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "But enough about nicknames, let's get Thread into the water, shall we?"

With Dr. Plume leading the way, the team followed eagerly, their anticipation mounting with each step they took. As they reached the edge of the pool, Thread's eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of her family gathered around, their smiles reflecting the joy and love they felt for her.

"Hey, Thread!" Coiny called out, waving enthusiastically. "Ready to show us your swimming skills?"

Thread grinned back, her heart swelling with happiness at the sight of her friends and family. "You bet I am!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

With Dr. Plume's help, Thread was carefully lowered into the water, her body enveloped in the warm embrace of the pool. As she floated on the surface, a sense of freedom washed over her, her muscles relaxing as she surrendered to the gentle currents.

The team wasted no time in joining Thread in the water, their laughter mingling with the splashing sounds as they swam and played together like a group of carefree children. Needle and Saw took turns pushing Bladey and Dimey's floats around the pool, the babies giggling with delight as they kicked their chubby legs in the water.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Thread called out to Needle, "Can you bring Dimey over here?"

Needle smiled, excited to watch her children play together again, "Of course Thread!" Needle pushed Dimey through the water, eventually making their way to Thread. Her eyes lit up at the sight of her baby brother. She grabbed his little hand for the first time, a big smile forming on her face.

"I didn't realize how big he got, mommy!" Thread exclaimed.

Needle chuckled, "babies do grow fast, don't they."

Dimey continued to stare at his older sister, until a smile formed on his little infant face.

"I missed you too, Dimey," Thread said.

It wasn't long before Thread felt a big splash come from behind her, making her head soaked in water. She turned her head around to find the rest of the adults, minus Saw, standing behind her, smirks on all of their faces.

"HEY!" She called out.

"Oh yeah," Barf Bag responded, "What are you gonna do about it?"

A smile began to form on Threads face, and so, with the help of Dr. Plume, she went towards the adults and splashed them back.

"It is on you little stink!" Pin said.

Thread giggled mischievously as she joined forces with Dr. Plume, the duo launching a coordinated counterattack against the unsuspecting adults. Laughter filled the air as water splashed everywhere, turning the poolside into a playful battleground.

With each splash and squeal of delight, Thread felt a sense of joy and freedom that she hadn't experienced in a long time. She had missed her family more than she realized, and it was moments like these that reminded her how much she truly loved each and every one of them.

Saw eventually came over to where the others were with Bladey. Bladey instantly recognized Thread's face, and was excited to see her cousin again.

"Thread! Thread!" the one year old shouted.

"That's right Bladey!" Thread said excitedly, "I missed you so much!"

Bladey laughed, her chubby cheeks flushing with excitement. "Play!" she exclaimed, reaching out her tiny arms towards Thread.

Thread chuckled, delighted by Bladey's infectious enthusiasm. "Of course, let's play!" she replied, scooping Bladey up in her arms and twirling her around in the water, Dr. Plume making sure she was stabilized.

As Thread and Bladey played together, the rest of the family joined in, their laughter echoing across the pool as they splashed and swam, reveling in the simple joy of being together. For a moment, Thread forgot about her injury and the challenges she faced, lost in the pure happiness of the moment.

Eventually, as the day came to an end, the team reluctantly made their way out of the pool, their fingers wrinkled from the prolonged immersion. But their hearts were light and full of love, their bond stronger than ever.

As they dried off and gathered their belongings, Thread couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Today had been a day she would treasure forever, a day filled with laughter, love, and the simple joy of being surrounded by her family.


Yay, a happy chapter! Not my best work, but I still find this one pretty sweet. I'm honestly more excited for you guys to see the next chapter, it's gonna be an interesting one that's for sure! See you guys then!

- Sunny

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