56. The First Day of Preschool

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As autumn fell upon them, it was time to send Thread to preschool for the very first time. Coiny, Pin, and Needle thought hard about the decision to send her there, but the three of them knew that it was for the best that she gets some time away from them and learns important skills.

After thinking about it for some time, the throuple felt more comfortable sending Thread to the preschool that Saw and Gaty worked at, although she would be in a different class then them. That way, in an emergency, at least she would have some family that could be with her right away.

As Coiny, Pin, and Needle loaded up Thread into the car, a wave of emotions hit them. They had never truly left their little girl's side, and now they were sending her away for the first time.

Coiny took a deep breath, trying to mask his emotions as he fastened Thread into her car seat. "You ready for your big day, sweetheart?" he asked, forcing a smile.

Thread nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement. "I'm gonna make lots of new friends!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

Pin leaned in to give Thread a hug, her heart filled with pride and apprehension. "Just remember, one of us will be waiting for you when you get back," she said softly, pressing a kiss to Thread's cheek.

Needle smiled, trying to hold back tears as she watched her daughter's excitement. "We love you so much, Thread," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

With one last wave goodbye, Coiny, Pin, and Needle watched as Thread disappeared through the doors of the preschool, her small figure disappearing into a sea of children.

As they made their way back to the car, the throuple couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered in their hearts. It was the first time they had been apart from Thread for more than a few hours, and the absence was palpable.

"It feels strange not having her with us," Pin admitted, her voice trembling with emotion.

Coiny nodded, his grip tight on the steering wheel. "I know, but she's going to be okay. And this is a big step for her."

Needle wiped away a stray tear, her mind filled with worry and anticipation. "I just hope she makes lots of friends and enjoys herself," she said softly.

As they arrived at the bakery for work, the throuple found themselves feeling restless and anxious. They busied themselves with the bakery chaos, trying to distract themselves from the emotions they were feeling.

"Guys," Needle admitted, "I think I need to head home. I don't think my body can handle any more stress between Thread being away, and the bakery..."

Coiny and Pin were slightly frustrated, considering the fact that the bakery was hitting their peak hours, but they understood that Needle was not in the right state to be working.

"We understand Needle," Pin said, "my body couldn't handle anything more than basic life functions when I was pregnant, I can't imagine how you're feeling right now."

Coiny nodded, "just do us a favor and pick Thread up at the end of the day if you can. Otherwise, call us and we'll figure it out."

Before she left, Needle gave Coiny and Pin a hug, "thanks for understanding, guys, I'll see you later."

Needle headed off to her car, as Pin and Coiny blankly looked at each other.

A faint smile then formed on Pin's face, "give her credit Coiny, at least she's being honest with us. Pregnancy can really affect your body in ways that you don't understand, she needs to take it easy."

Coiny smiled back, "I agree, I'm glad she feels comfortable telling us how she feels."

Meanwhile, the minute Needle entered the house, it was straight to the bathroom for her. She ran right past Donut, who was home from work that day, and dry heaved right over the toilet.

"Needle! Are you okay, Donut said, as she followed her into the bathroom.

Donut frowned, concern etched on his face as he watched Needle struggle. "Maybe you should sit down and rest for a bit," he suggested gently, placing a hand on her back.

Needle nodded weakly, sinking down onto the edge of the bathtub. "I just feel so... nauseous all the time," she admitted, her voice trembling with exhaustion.

Donut knelt down beside her, offering her a comforting smile. "It's okay, Needle. Pregnancy can be tough, but you're not alone. We're all here for you."

Needle managed a weak smile, grateful for Donut's support. "Thanks, Donut. I just hope this morning sickness goes away soon."

Donut nodded sympathetically, rubbing her back soothingly. "I'm sure it will. In the meantime, try to take it easy and rest as much as you can."

As Needle leaned back against the bathroom wall, she closed her eyes, feeling a wave of fatigue wash over her. Despite the discomfort and uncertainty she felt, she knew that she was surrounded by love and support, and that gave her the strength to keep going.

As the hours passed, Needle rested and tried to keep her nausea at bay. Eventually, it was time to pick Thread up from preschool, and Needle mustered up the energy to head out to the car.

As she drove to the preschool, Needle couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her stomach. She couldn't wait to see Thread and hear all about her first day, but at the same time, she couldn't shake the worry that something might be wrong with her.

When she arrived at the preschool, Needle's heart soared at the sight of Thread bounding towards her, her face beaming with excitement. "Mommy!" Thread exclaimed, throwing her arms around Needle.

Needle hugged Thread tightly, feeling a rush of love and relief wash over her. "How was your first day, sweetheart?" she asked.

Thread's face lit up with excitement as she launched into a flurry of stories about her day. She talked about making new friends, playing games, and even doing a little bit of painting.

Needle listened intently, her worries melting away as she basked in the joy of her daughter's happiness. Despite the challenges and uncertainties she faced, seeing Thread's smiling face made everything worth it.

As they drove home together, Needle couldn't help but feel grateful for the little moments of joy that Thread brought into her life. No matter what challenges lay ahead, she knew that as long as she had her family by her side, she could handle anything that came her way.

"Thread," Needle called, as they were still driving home.

"What," she responded.

"Can I tell you something?"

"What is it mommy?"

Needle took a deep breath, "just know that you'll always be my baby!"


Thread is off to school already! She really is becoming a big girl. Not much else to say, other then you guys are less tan 400 reads away from the drawings! Remember, the deadline for hitting 10K reads is March 31st, otherwise who knows when you guys will get those drawing mwahahah! See you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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